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Thingamabob Of The Week #1



Yes, it's true, I'm following a growing Blog fad by doing a "Thingamabob of the Week", and weekly too. :o Basically what this is is that I award a "Bionicle-related something" (whether it be a MOC, drawing, epic, topic, etc...) each week. So, who be the first weeks' winner? Read on...


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"Save the Penguins" drawn by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer. This is an explanation from her website:
See, this one kid sent my mom a link to a game called, I believe, "The Penguin Game." A penguin jumps off an iceberg, a yeti gently hits him with a stone baseball bat, and the penguin, with cries of glee, sails for several hundred feet, then crashes into the snow and cheers. Some weird person made a sequel to that game, called "Penguin Extreme." It was positively revolting and sick. Let's just say...the club was covered with bloody spikes and the snow was covered in landmines. And the penguin wasn't in one piece as he sailed. Several members of our family found their way out of the room while my mom played it, and not without various disgusted exclamations. Turakii the Ta-Matoran feels the same way about penguins as I, so these penguins ain't going anywhere near any yeti anytime soon.
Seriously, how could you resist that face?





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I've seen those games. Absolutely awful. Disgusting.


I hope Kex hasn't seen them...

Oh please, let's pray not. :fear:


YAY! :happydance:


Now maybe members will join in the Defense for Helpless Penguins.


Thankyouthankyouthankyou -SZ-!




You're welcome, Turakii. :) "Defence for Helpless Penguins", now there's an idea. Hmm...now what to do with it. *thinks*





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There was one day when we were left unattended in Biology (Shoot... Its hard to type B-I-O without ending it with -N-I-C-L-E), and one kid showed us this site with bunches of penguin games, half of them nauseating. Funny concepts, but all the more disturbing.


- :vahi:

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That's funny. Haha. I'm gonna watch this from now on...


Here's the popcorn... :popcorn:
There was one day when we were left unattended in Biology (Shoot... Its hard to type B-I-O without ending it with -N-I-C-L-E), and one kid showed us this site with bunches of penguin games, half of them nauseating. Funny concepts, but all the more disturbing.


- :vahi:

Yes indeed. :glare:




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That Penguin Game makes me so angry! :angry:


It's a ripoff of -Removed-


Let's not link to that game, shall we? ;)





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