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Skyrim Adventure, Part 19: In Which I Poison The Waterhole



I decided to start things off with the Thieves' quest, so I snuck into the bee farm via sewers. I also snuck through the house, as killing isn't a thief's way. I had to use my Imperial power to calm a guard that I wouldn't be able to sneak by. I stole the guy's key, looted his safe, and got the heck outta there.

I then went to another island with a view of the hives and slung fire at them from afar; there were too many mercs for me to sneak past.

I returned and was told Maven Black-Briar herself wanted to speak to me. I'd be honored if it weren't for the fact that I hate her. She wanted me to help her eliminate the competition. I was to poison a competitor's mead brew by helping him poison a Skeever nest. I made it down to the Skeever nest to find a madman had been the source of these mutant Skeevers. He was pretty powerful. I poisoned the nest and vat of mead, stuck around to watch the guy get arrested, and returned to the Bee and Barb to meet with Maven.

When I entered I saw a Thief. Everyone else had their weapons out; he was running away in fear. I decapitated him.

It turns out the man behind the bee farm was also involved with the meadery. I was told to go to Solitude to investigate. I didn't feel like going to another new city quite yet, so I decided to do my old Dwarven ruins quest. “Armogohma” had respawned.

Now that I'm stronger, Falmer and Dwarf bots didn't give me too much difficulty. I grabbed the journals and re-activated the ruins' defenses to drive out the Falmer. Of course, the bots attacked me as well, and I ended up destroying another Centurion. I returned to the Jarl's wizard and gave him the journals.

Next, I returned to the Companions. As the new leader, I thought I should check in and see if they needed anything. My wife, Aela, said she heard about totems that would give us Werewolves more power, so we set out to find one.

On the way there we found a fort filled with bandits. It also had a named mage in the basement; I'm assuming this will be a quest location later on. The Bandit Captain had a treasure map on him. I followed it and looted a chest. Since this was the first thing Aela and I did together, I guess this would've been our honeymoon. Nothing better than killing Bandits with your soulmate.

We eventually made it to the cave. It was filled with some weak mages. The boss was a different story. After a few different approaches, we killed him and grabbed the Totem from a chest. On our way out we came across an exiled Necromancer trapped in some spider webs. I cut her down and she asked for help escaping. I killed some spiders, including a giant one, and told her she was free to leave.

We returned to the Underforge and placed the Totem on an altar.


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