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The Adventures Of Mufasa Shepard: Part 2



Decided to go get Jack. Told Kasumi to put on her new outfit I got for her. I couldn't tell if it was because she was defying me or was just jealous of me and Jacob, but she wore something a bit different. Also, according to the symbol on her belt, I think she's an assassino.

Her outfit was all mismatched and had different colors.

So anyway, I had my whole crew and then we went on Horizon and stuff. Saw Ashley again, yelled at her and left.

Then I had to go investigate a collector ship. I was talking with the Illusive man, but I don't think he was paying attention to me.

All he could focus on was my left hip. (TIM/Shepard romance for ME3?)

Anyway, I got assault rifle training since the claymore shotgun sucks compared to the geth one. The mattock is an amazing gun.

After escaping we went to a derelict reaper. During our time there, Samara and Mordin decided to do Parkour or something.


Then we got Legion and went back on the ship. That was the purpose of that mission, right? To get Legion?

I talked with Legion so quickly that my omni tool couldn't handle my speed and broke.

It was stuck on my arm for awhile.

My crew got taken but screw them. I'm busy planning how to do everyone's loyalty missions while killing them all at the same time.

It's alright though. I got a plan.


In all seriousness though, this has been my glitchiest playthrough ever.




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I've had a lot of glitches (Charge is a seriously broken power - you never know where you're going to end up), mostly involving crew members levitating and getting stuck.


Your save file must have gremlins, though, because I've never seen such concentrated lols.

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@Bunda I'm convinced the glitches are a result of my xbox trying not to throw up at the sight of Mufasa.


@Haz I actually got stuck on top of where Mordin was at first. I couldn't move anywhere except on the small desk. Somehow I was able to move forward, onto the rail, and back onto the ground. But then Mordin and Samara jumped up instead. Also, in my main playthrough, in the part of the suicide mission with the moving platforms, the last platform wasn't close enough and had a small gap and it was higher. Somehow Tali and Legion teleported up there, but I fell down and died.


@GSR Dem hips



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