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Comic Book Wednesday 1/25!



Comic Book Wednesday treated me well today. Grabbing the latest story arc of the four X-23 comics was on a whim; I hope it pays off (I’m thinking about starting Venom 13 “Circle of Four” in February, and she’s in it).



Crunching some numbers:

-I own 36 comics (but I haven’t read 11 of them).

-22 of the 36 comics are X-Men related.

-I have read 62 comics (with the help of my brother’s own purchases and…other means).

-I have read 28 Marvel comics and 33 DC comics (which is pleasantly surprising, believing myself to be more dedicated to Marvel, but that’s based on a history with 90’s television and the recent movies). The DC New 52 release has made it super-easy to engage and try new series, whereas I had to wait two months before buying a Spider-Man or Avengers comic, just sticking with X-Men. (But I have more Marvel comics to read in the future, 31 to 9 (Marvel to DC) in fact, and that doesn’t count wanting to read all 100 Secret Invasion comics or search out the Fear Itself beginnings. Nor a Wolverine graphic novel I’m working through.)


All this started 9 weeks ago. And look at what it's become. An average of 3 comics a week, but if feels like more than that.


I'm going to have to find some time this weekend to catch up on my acquisitions.


-CF :kakama:


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Ultimate Spider-Man!Ultimate Spider-Man!Ultimate Spider-Man!Ultimate Spider-Man!

Eh, I picked up the new Amazing Spider-Man (part 1 of 2, time travel I think--I haven't read it yet. And he's getting a Point-One next month). I'm not ready to give up my Peter Parker for a new story! :P Though I might search out and try to read some Scarlet Spider.

(I'm also looking for a good starting point on the Fantastic Four title "FF"--because white Spidey-suit!)



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So is this going to be a weekly blog thing. ;) Also how expensive is this? I got into some graphic novels when I was living in the dorms, and those were $10 a piece. Although either way I'm guessing it's cheaper than Lego Bricks.


Also X Men are cool I might try to find more stuff on them to watch when I get free time...



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So is this going to be a weekly blog thing. ;) Also how expensive is this? I got into some graphic novels when I was living in the dorms, and those were $10 a piece. Although either way I'm guessing it's cheaper than Lego Bricks.

Also X Men are cool I might try to find more stuff on them to watch when I get free time...:music:

Nah, I won't bore you all with detaisl of my collection and reading habits weekly, but I had the image available and had threw the numbers around so thought it would make an interesting entry.

I've estimated about $3.82 per comic on average (usually $3 or $4 each), and that in the past 9 weeks I've spent about $137 on comics. So...I need to start making a budget (and working more hours at the library). Cheaper than LEGO? I've just spent more on comics in 9 weeks than I do on LEGO in half a year! It's more fast-paced because there are new stories and comics each week, and if I miss a trip to the store on Wednesday then the chance of it being there the following week, or even the next day, is slim. (Today I almost didn't get the Secret Avengers 21.1 but the comic guy had one lying around, off the shelf.) And he only orders a few Doctor Who comics because they don't sell much, so it's first come, first served.

LEGO has its advantages, definitely more repeat value, but I can lend out my comics to friends and get other comics in return. It's almost like comparing apples to oranges, though there is definitely a collectability factor.


Define graphic novels? Manga are usually $10 each, and over the course of two years or so in high school I amassed about $300 worth. But they were series I was interested in. Or comics like V for Vendetta and Watchmen? Or a compilation of comics? I'm actually looking into soon buying a compilation, so a graphic novel techincally, of seven Uncanny X-Men issues forming a story. It's cheaper than trying to find and buy all seven at $4 each--this is only $12-$17.


The X-Men are awesome! I really want to rewatch X-Men Evolution and the newer Wolverine and the X-Men show.



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This is why I trade-wait; it's cheapter, looks nicer (though the "spread-out singles" look does have appeal), and lasts longer. It's also really hard for me to get singles in the first place, so yeah.

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This is why I trade-wait; it's cheapter, looks nicer (though the "spread-out singles" look does have appeal), and lasts longer. It's also really hard for me to get singles in the first place, so yeah.

You have a very good point. I had not really given that much thought until yesterday. I guess the other question would be, then, on how soon are things released in book form after their initial release? I would assume quite a while, but the Uncanny X-Men collection I just cited seems to have been released quite soon after its initial release.


Something I'll definitely look into though, as Joss Whedon wrote for the first few years of Astonishing X-Men.



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High profile books are given higher priority, but it doesn't take longer than a few months. Which sounds a lot worse when I say it out loud...

A negative bit on trade waiting is that the industry pays less attention to those sales numbers, so it's harder to keep books alive.

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