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Difficult Questions



So I'm filling out college apps. (Yes, I know it's super late in the game. shuddup.)

When I come across an essay question:

What experiences and/or relationships have helped to develop your moral values?


Now, on it's own, this seems like a difficult enough question to write a page on.

Throw in the fact that I'm (slightly) a sociopath, and it gets freakin' impossible! If I don't know what my own "moral values" are, how the hay am I supposed to write an essay describing how I got them?



Anyways, slight annoyance. Blogging is best procrastination.


Recommended Comments

College application essay questions are always stupid. I remember having to write some that were completely irrelevant to me. Heh.



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I'm sorry, but I have a very hard time believing you are a sociopath, since the definition of that involves people with no regard for the beliefs or morals or feelings of others, and I think you fail to qualify.

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I'm sorry, but I have a very hard time believing you are a sociopath, since the definition of that involves people with no regard for the beliefs or morals or feelings of others, and I think you fail to qualify.

Sociopathy doesn't work as a black and white sort of thing.

You can show sociopathic tendancies, or be full on psychopathic.

I am on the very low end, where it's more of an emotional disconnect.

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Just happened to come upon this.


A more pertinent point, I think, would be that sociopathy doesn't really necessitate a lack of morality. You can be sociopathic and still have moral values, just as you can be non-sociopathic and be amoral. So yeah...

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