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Well... Sorry Again

Taka Nuvia


First off: thanks a lot for the feedback on the previous entry. You guys rock!


Second, or also known as "Why I was not around boo hoo I'm so sorry" part, the tragic story is now to be told.

I've been feeling rather bad over the past few days, mostly in the evenings. I felt that my intellectual capacities had been reduces to a shadow of their own selves, I woulc forget stuff immediately etc. etc.

Yesterday, something had happened at school which had really really got me down. Downer than down down. I was depressed, crying all the time, had a headache and swollen eyes (oh why that :sarcastic:)

But today I'm feeling better, and let me assure you that there is nothing really troublesome going on.



Comic update will be delayed, I don't know whether I'll get to upload it tomorrow, for I'll be out shoppinbg with some friends (yay for distraction...)


So, seeya guys later! :)


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