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Lego Weirdness And A Random Thought

Jedi Master J.


Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in again to give you all sort of an update of my day today. Well, not really my day per say. This is more like highlights of the day, which for most part was uneventful with only interesting things coming to mind being tonight's new episode of FRINGE, this weird LEGO thing, and my random thought at work today. Obviously I am only commenting on just the last two because talking about the FRINGE episode would be spoiling the plot for those that did not catch tonight's episode.


So with that all in mind, let's get start on weird LEGO thing, which you can see here in the screen cap, I took. I found this while looking at LEGO Shop at Home earlier today and I can not for life of me understand LEGO's logic in putting this in the Girls category. I mean seriously this set seems pretty gender-neutral if you ask me since after all, it is just a bunch mini-scale buildings.


So yeah, I kind find it weird that LEGO would label this set as that. No doubt it is just a mistake on their part and well, it did not bug me as much as I found it funny. And since I found it funny, I thought I might as well share it with you all here.


But anyway, my random thought of the day was what my work must have been like in the past because there was a point in which all drawings sent out to the shop were hand-drawn and now we have computers with programs that handle most of that work. And I must say I am having a hard time trying to picture what it must of been like because I think if I had to do this work by hand, then it probably take weeks before it can get approve by Quality to go on to manufacturing the parts. Man, I wish I had a time machine, so I could check out what it was actually like back then.


Alright, that's all I got to say today. Thanks for taking the time to read this again. Night, BZPers.




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They put anything that likely appeals to girls in the girls category, whether or not it also appeals to boys. This includes most licensed themes, the collectible minifigures, and most Direct to Consumer sets like the Mini Modulars (sets that are sold only through shop.LEGO.com, through the LEGO Shop catalog, or through LEGO brand stores). It's definitely no mistake.


The reason for this is that a lot of people will go straight to the "girls" category when trying to figure out what LEGO gift a girl would be likely to appreciate. Plus, it's nice to have that category include sets other than those specially designed for girls and colored in assorted pastel tones.

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Really? *checks* I guess you are right. Still think it is kind of weird though since I would think categories like these are there to denoted that it belong to such and such theme.


As for whole reasoning behind it, I do not think what you say really applies to sets like the Mini Modulars since it kind of expense for a set, you are getting for your little girl. That and age range say it is for people ages 12 and older, so would a parent realistically be searching for a LEGO gift for their twelve year old girl? *shrugs*


Still I do see your point about it being good that the category does not just include only sets made for girls there. So for the most part, I agree with your reasoning listed.



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The episode was sooooo good. Much better than the previews had indicated. Fringe really knows how to tug at the heartstrings.

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Yeah, I agreed with you. That was very good episode and yes, they really know how to tug at our heartstrings.


Tonight's episode especially shown that with Astrid part of plot, which is part of the reason that I loved the episode so much (That and it is centered around mystery involving the Observers. So of course, I was going to loved it.).


Man, I really wish I could talk about this episode some more, but it is far too earlier to really speak of it with people as I could be spoiling something for someone. With that in mind, I will say no more on episode.


I am glad to see another FRINGE fan though.



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