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I Feel Old...

Jedi Master J.


Hiya, BZPers. How you all doing? Good, I hope. I am just popping on in to give all another update. And well, to be honest, not much has been going on for me. I just been busy dealing with my hectic school and work schedule mostly.


Although I have been reflecting on lately the fact that I am not like a lot of people in my generation. Like for example, many people in my generation love to text people in order to communicate. Me, I downright hate it. Why? Because it takes too much work on my part to get my message across to people, when it would be so much easier to just call them up and vocally tell them. That and there is no spell check or any type of formatting when it comes to texting.


Hm...I guess I am just weird, but still I do not get the appeal of texting just as much as I do not get why people need internet access through their phones. Phones are meant for calling people, aren't they? *shrugs* Its stuff like this that make me feel kind of old and I am not even that old (Again, this is why I say I am different from my generation.). XD


But anyway, I am going to stop with that rant and move on to a topic that I am sure most of you are more interested in; LEGO. What about LEGO am I going to talk about? Well, lately I been thinking about buying some LEGO sets since I have sort of a stable income lately, but I am kind of unsure about what to get. And its not like I do not have ideas on what I would like to buy. It is just that I am rather indecision about it mostly. *shrugs*


In particularly, I been looking at Kingdoms Joust set and Mindstorm NXT 2.0 set and I can not decided which of the two that I would like to get more. So does anyone here have any of these sets? And if so, which would you suggest is worth getting more? Just wondering as I think it would be helpful to hear from others here on what set is worth it more.


*yawn* Alright, I am done for the day. Talk to later, BZPers. Once again, thanks for taking the time to read this. Good Night.




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I'm not a huge fan of texting either. I've only sent two text messages with my cell phone since I got it. (And one of them was to see if my phone had the ability to text. :P) I don't hate it, but it just doesn't interest me. I'd rather just call people.


As for your question about the Lego sets, I don't own any of the sets that you mention. So I can't really help you out on that. :P

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I agree wholeheartedly about the texting. What I find even more riduculous are the people with a texting plan, but no calling plan.


As for internet I merely use it to check my emails on the go, but by no means do I need it. It just helps sometimes when I'm on the road and have some important emails I need to check.

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I feel the same on texting.

I am glad to see someone agrees with me.


I'm not a huge fan of texting either. I've only sent two text messages with my cell phone since I got it. (And one of them was to see if my phone had the ability to text. :P) I don't hate it, but it just doesn't interest me. I'd rather just call people.


As for your question about the Lego sets, I don't own any of the sets that you mention. So I can't really help you out on that. :P

Hm...I see.


Yeah, it does not look like anyone has either of those sets, so I guess I'll just have to depend on myself to make the decision.


I agree wholeheartedly about the texting. What I find even more riduculous are the people with a texting plan, but no calling plan.


As for internet I merely use it to check my emails on the go, but by no means do I need it. It just helps sometimes when I'm on the road and have some important emails I need to check.

I am glad to see another person agrees with me. But wow, people really just have only a texting plan?


Hm...Well, I am kind of alright with using the internet on a phone for that stuff. Really what rubs me the wrong way about phone internet usage would be people using it like it is mini-laptop or something.


I neither text nor use Internet with my phone. Fact is, my phone doesn´t even have a decent Internet connection. :P~Gata. ;)


Ah. XD




Thanks for the replies, guys.



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