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Skyrim Adventure, Part 27: In Which I Go Treasure Hunting



The next quest I decided to do... well, I'm not sure where I got it. I think it had something to do with the named Draugr from part 25. It was for investigating the Gauldur legend. I fast traveled to East Empire Trading and set off. There was a Stone near by, the Aprrentice Stone, and I stopped by before continuing. There was a journal near the entrance to the dungeon. The man was some sort of treasure hunter. I went inside and found a dead adventurer, never a good sign.

After uneventful Draugr fights I made it to the last room. There was another named Draugr. I killed it and learned the first word for Frost Breath.

I headed to the next dungeon for another part of this amulet I found. Another uneventful Draugr slaughter fest. The named Draugr this time was interesting. He used conjuration to make clones of himself. He also had a very powerful Voice. What made it worse was that the clones could use Unrelenting Force as well; I flew through the air a lot that battle. I killed him, took the final amulet, and set out to another dungeon to combine the three amulets into one.

I ended up having to face ghosts of all three, one at a time. Once defeated, a ghost mage popped out of a coffin and obliterated them. He fused the three amulets into one then disappeared.

I was all out of sidequests so I continued the main one. I talk to the Greybeards about the Shout used to kill Alduin. They wouldn't tell me because it was evil, but they allowed me to seek guidance from the leader on the top of the mountain. They also gave me the location of another Shout I didn't have yet. We headed outside were I was taught all three words of the Clear Skies Shout so I could traverse the mountain.

I made it to the top to meet the leader. I would've been very surprised it was a dragon, Paarthurnax, had it not have been spoiled for me months ago. He taught me the second word of Fire Breath. I asked about the Shout used to defeat Alduin. It turns out he wasn't defeated with a Shout (though it might've helped), he was actually sent through time with the help of an Elder Scroll, hence him showing up nowadays. Paarthurnax tells me if I want to learn the Shout, I'll need to get the Scroll and go back in time to learn it, as no one knows it. I returned to the College and asked the librarian for help. He gave me some books and told me the last known location of the author.

I decided to go after the Word that the Greybeards gave me the location to. Inside the dungeon I found a woman; she wanted my help clearing the dungeon so she can get a scroll. Uh ok. I hated every moment she was following me. Followers throw off my groove.

We made it the last room. It was another Dragon Priest, Vokun. We took him out pretty easily and I took his mask for my collection. I learned the first word of Storm Call and left.

Outside a Blood Dragon attacked. I thought it was an excellent opportunity to try out my new Thu'um.


I headed into a nearby Dwemer ruin overrun with bandits. I fought my way through, eventually coming across bots, Falmer, and Chaurus. Along the way I was picking up Dwemer Cogs that a mage at College asked me to get. In the final room I killed a Centurion Master and found some sort of pedestal that an item would set on. Too bad I didn't have the item. I suppose I'll be going back there sometime whenever I get the item.

I returned the cogs and he needed me to get an item from Enthir. He's the guy from the last part that wouldn't return a pendant until I got a staff for him. He wants me to fetch another staff.


In other news, my Enchanting hit 100, and I crafted a set of Daedric armor, ready to be enchanted to my heart's content.


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