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Finished Compiling The List For My Special Field

Taka Nuvia


FINALLY. Yay me.


but hey, Minnesang (does it translate to Minnesong? I honestly don't know o.o) is fun. I do like German class, I just wouldn't want to pick contemporary (austrian) literature (eww)




I'm at home with a slight cold. :/




Saturday was kinda fun, shopping with a friend (boy), another frind (girl) and her boyfriend. But she had to leave earlier, because the day before she had been at a party until Idunnowhen.

... I don't understand why someone stays at a party that long if they've got something planned for the next day, but ah well, who am I to judge.


Anyway, when the two had left us, my friend and I went to a gothic store (yay), and there I found an awesome hoodie. Black, with red ribbon lacing at the sleeves and the hood. It looks adorable :3


That'S it from me again

(And waah I oughta scan that comic soon! D: It's already done and all...)


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