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Spring Break...

Watashi Wa


...is not this week, it's next week. And of course. ALL other schools in Alabama are more than likely on break already, but we just have to be the weird ones and have another week of school before we get off. But, the good thing is that traffic isn't as bad in the mornings. I hit nearly all green lights this morning ont he way to school.


And Saturday is going ot be a blast. We're meeting at the school at about 5 or so, and leaving around 5:30 on our way to Six Flags. So far we've got a group of about 15 people going, so that will make it even better. Though, I hope we get an even number to go, because otherwise someone would have to ride by themselves on a coaster.


Other than that, nothing much happening this week. 75 notecards are due Friday for my research paper. Most of the books I took out of the library are completely out of my range, but I did get one book that's giving me about 50 notecards already.


So yeah, what are y'all doing for your Spring Break? And if any of you kids live in Georgia, mind tellin me when y'alls break is? (I want to know how packed it's going to be Saturday at the park :P)


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Heh, your school and mine both. This week, all colleges except Centenary are closed for Spring Break. Some schools in the next parish (every other state says county) are out this week too. I'm out the first week of April 'till the Monday after that for Easter.


Nicely done with the 50 notecards. My friends were "mad" at me when I told them I had completely finished my research paper. It really isn't that hard.


Have fun at good ol' Six Flags. I'm going, I believe to Florida. West Gate Resort there is the BEST. Lake, golf, pool, food, Disney World just a few miles away. It's evil during spring/summer break, but who cares :P .

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My break is next month, lucky duck. Massachusetts, the general New England region, and a few other places, get one-week vacations both in February and April.
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You guys's break is so late because y'all start later/get out later than we do down here in the South. You guys are the lucky ones, because you get a week in Feb. and a week in April. We just get one week in March to last us the rest of the year. :P
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