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Another Year, Another Move



The big news for me out of Spring Break last week is that I've officially found and leased out a new apartment. Located about 10-15 minutes from work, as opposed to the current drive of two hours, my new place is a substantial upgrade.


For one, it has carpeting. But the big upgrade is the little walk-out patio/porch/balcony thing in my living room. Now I can step outside and get a breath of fresh Minnesota air without having to tramp through my complex and out the front door.


The big move is May 27th, with my new job starting a week or so later. Now, I just need to lock down a new set of clothes (jeans and t-shirts won't cut it at the office) and figure out just what I'm going to do for furniture.


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Good luck with everything. Have fun!


As for furniture, I guess you're almost out of college so can't use cardboard boxes anymore. I can't really help you there, but perhaps some adults (*cough*KIE read this*cough*wait, does he read this?*cough) might have some ideas.


Hope everything works out internet connection wise....



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What do I use for furniture?


-A chair that was my Paw-Paw's, when he worked for Gulf Oil. Weathered Audrey, and weathered Katrina. Did some shoddy restoration work on it myself after the storm.

-A chair that my brother reconstructed, and is on its last leg. I use it more than the first because it has padding.

-A bed that once was in my room. The matress and box spring were thrown out after they got rained on, but the frame was saved. My aunt & uncle bought me a new matress & box frame.

-A TV stand that was my parents.

-A side table that used to be in my room.

-A night stand that I bought before I was out of high school

-An office desk as my computer desk, bought at WalMart after the storm (Man, I miss the old one).

-A bistro table & 2 chairs, once my parents', as my dinner table.

-A bookcase that was in my room growing up.

-An 8-year-old recliner that was my dad's, then my brother's, and became mine after I lost the other recliner to the elements and this one clashed with the colors Michael (brother) and Brandy (sis-in-law) were going to use at their house.

-A chest of drawers I bought for $320, plus delivery.

-About 4 plastic drawer things that stack. 7 drawers in all.



To summarize, it's mostly what my parents let me grow up with, or stuff bought on the cheap because I'm not in a house, but renting an apartment.


And as far as moving, for every flight of stairs, get an extra body to help. And don't ask those people next time you have to move, not unless they're family.




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