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A Teacher's Dream

Spoony Bard


My sociology teacher told me that I am what teachers would dream of in a student. Most students sit in a class and are too shy to participate in discussion. However I am not like that because I pretty much get discussion rolling, and I say my intelligent views and such, not minding if I get called out on them by another student.


Which is the sad thing about students. They are scared to share their views because someone else will shoot them down. It is usually like that, and I have no problem being shot down. I just counter their shot and shoot them down.


But yeah I felt good knowing that I am an excellent student. :D




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Ya know, when I was socially blind back in my secondary school days (sometime before you hit the high school, maybe junior high?), I was really really avid in asking questions.


When I was socially aware, it didn't matter - my twin and I yakked out way to the top of the Geography class, and did well in our exams.


Which means - keep it up, Omi, for then the only way is up!



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