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Mass Effect 2 So Far



Which doesn't mean much since the last thing I did was talk to the Illusive Man but:

  1. I like Jacob.
  2. Don't like Miranda.
  3. Controls feel very different, more like a cross between GoW and CoD.
  4. Hacking confused me at first...
  5. Helmets add damage protection? Nah, still not gonna wear them.
  6. These scars are kinda ugly... I miss the scar on my lip (that I totally did not put there because Ezio, Altaïr, and Desmond have the same nope)


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1. I don't like Jacob.

2. Miranda is eh.

5. Just get the Garrus eye-thingy on Omega.

6. They'll go away if you're Paragon or buy some medical equipment for the Normandy. That costs a lot of Platinum, though.

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1. BUT HOW?!?

2. She's alright. I like her mostly because of her voice actor.

3. I for one found them very smooth. Much better than ME1.

4. I still don't know if I like it better than ME1.

5. My thoughts exactly. But ya, do what Bunda said. The visor leaves almost all your face visible while adding a 10% bonus to headshot damage.

6. Do what Bunda said. Unless you're like me and are a renegade guy.



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1. He's kinda mediocre, IMO. Other people do what he does better.

2. She's always been kind of a load in my opinion. Never use her if I can help it. Slam is a wonderful bonus power, though.

3. I love the controls. MUCH better than ME1.

4. It's annoying sometimes, because I feel like my mouse/selector should move faster

5. Yeah, the visor's pretty much the best choice in head wear. Alternately, get the Cerberus Assault Armor. +10% to health, +10% to shields, and +10% Heavy Weapon ammo, plus is has a semi-transparent full-face visor. It's a kind of smoked gray color.


6. Paragon will remove them over time, yeah. I like being paragade, so I sometimes get little hints of them left over. I recommend buying the 50000 platinum face repair machine if you're going renegade, because they get pretty ugly with too much renegade.

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1. Well, he was the only teammate I had besides Miranda at the time.

3. I don't think they're worse, just... different. Gonna take a bit getting used to.

4. Hacking is all right now, but I think ME1 hacking was a bit easier, if more boring.

5. K, need to find that... I have the Assault Armor, but I wanna customize. White and dark red > black, gray, white, and orange IMO.

6. I feel guilty whenever I go Renegade. Except when I'm talking to Udina.

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I like going Renegade with announced enemies. Trying to intimidate a merc? Shoot him or whatever.


But I'm always nice to civilians. Well except for that ##### elcor on Omega.

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