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Moar X Men T V Shows



Yes, I've been getting more into X-Men: Namely the 90s TV series and the 2008 Wolverine and the X-Men. (Not comics... don't wanna pay for em. Besides, already paying for Netflix, might as well use it.)


The 90s series isn't quite to my taste. Most of the characters just don't seem to be as cool as in the newer series. I do however like Gambit's character more. The artwork and animation is also less impressive, although that's to be expected cause it is older. However, compared to the Spiderman series that aired at the same time, it also isn't as good. While I know I enjoyed Spiderman back in the 90s, I'm sure the reason I never got into X-Men was because this cartoon didn't pull me in as well. Still, it's not terribly bad, and I'm only two seasons in, so I'll probably finish watching it.


Wolverine and the X-Men is definitely much better. Although I still prefer X-Men Evolution (I preferred most of the character as teenagers the way they appeared in that show) this one is still decent, and has all my favorite characters (although they spend way too much time on Wolverine... gee, I wonder if that has anything to do with the title. :P ) In addition to the characters and artwork, it has a very compelling story, which has plenty of differences from the other X-Men series I've watched. I'm about 3/4s of the way through it, and I'm starting to get towards the finale... it's a shame that I know it won't continued past that. :(


I few notes about both series. I've watching them both at the same time. (On Netflix, the 08 series doesn't stream well over my laptop, but it does on our TV. Thus, when I have the TV to myself, I watch the 08 series, and I watch the 90s series on my laptop at night.) It is a little confusing when both series have similiar episodes and one-shot characters, so I'm forgetting which appeared where. This is mainly my fault tho. :P Also, I've noticed that most of the men in the two shows are very buff and muscular, and most of the women are thin and busty. I mean, gosh, we complain about Lego Friends being stereotypical, but these Saturday Morning Cartoons are sooooo much worst. (I also noticed this when rewatching the 90s Spiderman recently; Peter Parker shouldn't look that buff, and all the women shouldn't have the same slender figure!) I guess this is another reason why I preferred X-Men Evolution: since most of the characters were teenagers, they weren't shown as being as excessively macho or feminen. (Sure, they were still better than the norm, but just not to such an extreme.) I dunno, just something that bugged me.


Anyway, I have more episodes to watch in both series, so I still have plenty of TV time to waste. :D And then I hear they made live action movies based off this too... I'll have to look those up too! ( J/K, I've seen most of them. :P )




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Gambit was one of my favorites from the early 90s cartoon.

I'd be sad to hear it didn't age well, but I caught a bit of it on TV a few weeks ago and have to agree. Tough luck.

I'm glad to hear Wolverine and the X-Men is pretty good though. I'll have to find that somewhere. Until then, I think I'll rewatch X-Men Evolution (free on Amazon with Prime)--definitely one of my favorite mid=childhood shows.


And yessss 1994 Spider-Man!



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