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Skyrim Adventure, Part 37: In Which I Greatly Expand My Vocabulary



I kept doing more misc quests, intent to clear the list out. (Except one is bugged and will always be there D:<)

My adventures brought me to another cave filled with a forest. These caves are always so beautiful.

I also found the Serpent Stone... but I already have the achievement for finding all 13 Stones. I guess achievements can't count.

I did all the quests I had except picking a side in the war, so I decided to head to the only town I hadn't been to yet: Falkreath.

I enter and learn that a little girl had been slaughtered by a a Werewolf. WASN'T ME. I talk to Hircine, Prince of the Hunt who “granted” lycanthropy to mortals; he told me to kill the Werewolf. I chased him down and did so. Hircine gave me armor made of the Werewolf's pelt. Ew.

The next quest I did involved finding a dog that had been seen around the town. What I didn't know was the the dog CAN TALK. Apparently he belongs to a Daedric Prince and I agree to help him get home.

His shrine is located in a cave filled with vampires. And, uh, this happened.



She used to be an adventurer like me, then she took an arrow through the skull.

The Daedroth apparently didn't like this dog very much, but agreed to take him back if I found an axe for him. I did so, and he gave me a mask. Then his statue just vanished. No special effects or anything; one moment it's there, the next, it's gone.

I continued doing misc quests and got the first word of Animal Allegiance.

I wrapped up all my misc quests and returned to the Jarl, who made me Thane.

With nothing to do, I went to the Greybeards for the location of a Word. It was at a dragon place thing, I don't know what they're called; the final word of Marked for Death.

Still didn't have any quests so I went back for another location. This one was in a dungeon; I fought through some Draugr and got the second word of Disarm.

The next word was at another dragon place. It was the first word of Elemental Fury.

The next word was in a dungeon. There was an obvious trap door in front of it, but I walked on it anyway. I fell into a cage with shallow water. There were several dead bandits around me. A man started talking to me. He was planning on killing me or torturing me or taking me out to dinner or something. I picked the lock while he monologued and whacked him in the back with a greatsword. I made y way back up to the first floor and learned the second word of Kyne's Peace.

I decided to search for one last word. Another dragon place woo. It was the last word of Disarm.

During my adventures I found a few more misc quests, which I'll start next time.


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If you had decided to help the werewolf instead of killing him, Hircine would have given you a normal version of the ring you got instead. It stops randomly turning you into a werewolf and lets you turn into one as much as you'd like.



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