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My Wallet Hurts...

Jedi Master J.


LEGO, why must you release so many good sets this year? Argh...It is like they don't want me to try to go to BrickFair for the first time in my life. :P




In other news, I was doing some winter cleaning yesterday and I am still nowhere finish doing that, but I do think it looks better than it was. I also found some of my old printed copies of BZPers' stories among some of my school stuff and I must say I am very tempt to take those and put them into a binder along with a copy of my review of them.


Am I weird for wanting to do that? I don't think I am. Although I do know that not a lot people tend to review things like I do here since I believe the norm is to read the work once and type the review soon after. For me though, I like to print the work, read it while waiting for bus or something, then read again during another downtime, mark it up stuff that I might want to point out as being good or a mistake, rough out a draft of my review, look that review over a few times, type the review up, look it over again and read the work one more time, fix any mistakes in the review and format it to be post on BZPower, and finally post it after look it over one more time.


In particular, it is because this act can take a lot of time that I do not make a lot of reviews nowadays since I simply don't have the time, except for the ocassionally Short Story Critic assignment. But anyway, I am kind of shifting off topic here, so I am get back on topic by explaining why I am thinking of putting them in a binder.


Well, my main reasoning for it is that I think it would kind of cool to look back on how I review things throughout my time here because it can show how my writing skills improved over a period of time. Not only that, but there was a lot of good stories that I reviewed in my time, which I probably loved to read again and who knows if I will even remember what BZPower was or if the site will even exist anymore at that point. *shrugs*


It kind like how I have a memory book that I put in like pictures of my childhood and report cards because I think it makes it easier to look back on things of my past as no doubt I have forgot many things from my childhood. Heck, if you ask me now what my childhood was like, I probably would not have an answer because I hardly remember much about, except for the bad times really. Not sure if that makes much sense to you all, but I am not really sure how else to describe it.


Anyway, I am sure I have bored you all enough here, so that's it for today's entry. Oh, before I go, I also found some old school drawings that I think I might share with you all, if you want to see them. Alright, that's everything I wanted to say. Good Night, BZPers, and I'll talk to you all later.




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