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Collector Ship On Insanity



Only Zaeed, Miranda, and Garrus are loyal, and I only have 2 medi-gel...


Yep, I'm doomed.


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This was the hardest part on Insanity for me. Partly because of the Collectors at the start, and again with the closed doors when I didn't have the Cain.


This was the absolute hardest part of the game on Insanity. But once that's finished it should be... not as extremely difficult?*


Providing you'll do the other loyalty missions and get the weapon upgrades.

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Assuming I get past the Praetorian I'll do everything else. I have a strategy, but I can't make it past it without getting killed by Death Choir, even if I'm cloaked. The Collectors and husks I can deal with at this point, it's just that I can't beat. And Miranda always dies first so I can't use her Warp on it. Grunt's Squad Incendiary ammo seems to help, but other than that he's not good for much else besides knocking down husks too close to me with a concussive shot and distracting the Praetorian for a while when I cloak, but never enough to get it away from me.

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I didn't plan for it at all; completely forgot about it. Made it through, though. The first fight and the Praetorian were the only really hard parts; everything else was pretty easy, if not a little tedious.

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I always use the Collector Laser on the Praetorians, myself. Easier than saving up the Cain and then missing.


Well, the Cain was actually for the first battle, so I didn't have to deal with that Scion while Harbinger was all "ASSUMING CONTROL SPAM DEATH ORBS" over me. The second Scion was out of range for the most part so I didn't have to worry too much about him. And my SMG worked well enough on the Praetorian's barriers, along with Warp and Concussive shot when/if Miranda and Grunt were alive.



Yep, I'm doomed.
That's what Zecora said.

Luckily it was an inaccurate prediction. :P

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