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First Times Are Good Times



Yes, if you are working, for the first time, in an intensive office job.


There were a few rules that I had to learn and iron out into my schedule and attitude. Here are a few that I found most positive.


1) Never mind if the staff and people around you are apathetic and cold. They're scared of you. Really. They won't talk to you until you've passed The Second Week mark. How I discovered that? After two weeks did the guy who sat behind me in the office cubicle offer his tapioca chips to me, after sharing it with two female colleagues. A chat got started, they realised I was in my holidays (But of course) and when they quipped that money was for spending, I gasped. They were working in a bank for crying out loud!


2) You must get to the office before your boss does, otherwise you're doomed for the morning hour to an onslaught of Microsoft games. For at least three mornings did I arrive to find my boss missing. Apparently, he had regular meetings in the morning, so I was doomed.


Today, I came extra early - to find my boss at his place. I was thrilled.


When he told me I had nothing to do (yet), I wasn't so thrilled.


3) Make full use of your time. This is important if you're over-productive, like me. Make full use of the things around you too. A pen that laid on the table and stacks of scrap paper were used to doodle, draw, write and play. I played a word game with myself until I got bored. I wrote a song of lyrics, but I realised that without a proper tune (and the lack of a tuning device) made it worthless. It may come in handy, though.


4) Make REAL use of the computer workstation you're at. I'm referring to Ping. He's my bestest best buddy in the whole wide world of office living! He let me access the computer games and now I'm a Spider Solitaire pro (at Easy and Medium levels), totally owned Pinball, and succeeded in clinching a win against Ping in Hearts - after five losses to Ping.


5) Avoid the lifts at all costs during the lunch hour. Otherwise, you're going to be literally sandwiched into the small box of a lift, crammed with other office workers from above and standing shoulder to shoulder with them.


6) If you totally miss the lunch hour, you're on your own. I find this to be something really positive, because a lot of tables in the canteen get snatched up by laughing office workers and the sort. But I was suffering from hunger pangs, so I had to buy some snacks: char siew pau or chinese pork bun to those who don't know any better the world of timsum, a samosa and two spring rolls. They didn't taste great, but downing it with Ribena (a kid's version of rum) did the trick.


And yes, I got drunk.


Yo ho yo ho, an office life for me!

The file's in dock, and me head is a-throb,

Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!


Ribena in hand

Our rum till the end

Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!


Yo ho yo ho, an office life for me, yeap!



Okay. Wash-up, and sleepy-time. Tomorrow there's not work, but a journalism workshop! I'm sososo hyped!



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KIE, both 'd' and 't' are the same consonant frequencies, just that one's voiced and another's a plosive. It don't really matter. So as long the food's the same thing and it's great-tasting, it don't matter. :)


Omi, you think it's a good idea? :lol: No, I advise you that it's safer to see me sane than drunk. I could attack you with that Ribena bottle - it's glass, y'know.



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Omi, you think it's a good idea? :lol: No, I advise you that it's safer to see me sane than drunk. I could attack you with that Ribena bottle - it's glass, y'know.

I been trained to handle these situations, and crazy chicks. :P



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