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Scholastic Issues



This is more of a mental note to myself than anything else, and more so as a self-note to stop wallowing in worry.


1) I got a call yesterday, and it came from the polytechnic. I qualified for the second diploma, and now have the choice of accepting the diploma or rejecting it.


I've been ordered to accept it, and I'm interested in it. In short, I'm going to accept it. If all goes well and I balance my time properly, I may just graduate with two diplomas in my bag.


Only if I properly handle my time.


2) I received an email that I've been accepted as a Peer Tutor (for... err... those students who lack that sound base in the English language) and will have to start devoting time to help them. The rewards are that not only have I done a good deed, I'm going to be rewarded with Co-Curriculum points and a testimonial for my portfolio.


If I manage to juggle this along with the two diplomas.


3) I received yet another email, this time for the journalism workshop that took place today. I won't go into the details as the workshop, it was boring overall, but it did conclude that I was going to be part of a pioneer magazine that would circulate around the polytechnic upon its inaugural release, and I was under the department of 'Leisure and Entertainment'.


I bet that I was placed there because of my course (Music is key in the entertainment world, and in my main diploma). True, my ears would be of different tuning and listening, but why did they dragoon me into a fad run and trend-setting department? I'd have honestly preferred to be an Aunt Agony or interview others.


But, that was the editor's choice and not mine. I'm fine doing that. It allows me to slay those albums of top hits and filled with bottom-feeders, and let me make a good and proper say about music whereas other people merely listen out of words or a catchy phrase.


This does not worry me much, because of its half-yearly production plan, but still... I must excel in what I do, even if it occurs every six months.



To put it into a tally, I've got my main diploma, my second diploma, a position as a Peer Tutor and a Journalist/Music Critic all crammed into one year and they WILL bleed into the next.




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So we should expect you to write more short stories on BZPower soon, right? :P


Sounds like you've got alot to acomplish. But you'll probably do it all, and laugh when you read this blog twelve months from now.



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Y'know, you may be right. I guess it'll be short stories instead of epics for me, for the while.


*eye twitch*


xccj, you don't know what you just did to me.


*scurries off to next blog post*



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