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Today Was Meh

Taka Nuvia


Almost the right balance of good things and bad things. Almost.


Good stuff first? Of course.


I had a chemistry test today, and I think I did quite well. I actually hope that there are no mistakes, but we'll see about that. ^^


The problem with it was, that I was extremely nervous about it. Even though I rationally knew that I had prepared well, and that I'd be able to do it.

So why the nervousity? Because of the other people in my class. Yesterday, everyone was all like "OMG this will be so hard he gave us so much to learn omg omg." Back then, I felt a bit annoyed by them, but it wasn't that interesting. However, apparently my subconscious decided that if everyone's so nervous, there ought to be a reason for it, and went all like "Hey Taka, you should be all nervous, too!"

Yay, so, I was the one to wake up an hour earlier and feel sick all morning long. Yay me. You could say it's empathy. I hate being so sensitive when it comes to those aorund me. >.<


Other bad stuff? I was late for additional physics class because I completely mis-red my timetable. Don't ask...


Anyway, overall the day hasn't been so bad. There have certainly been worse days. :)

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