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About The Library



I must, must, must and absolutely must do some kind of rave about the BZP Library.


It is one of the few I know that separates its different story kinds into separate forum threads.


Comedies stand on their own, that's definitely without saying. They vary in the different stories that lead to laughter, but so as long as they lead to laughter it's good for anyone. It's a suspectible place to see Kopaka slam a cream pie into Lewa's face, though that may never happen in Bionicle's fantasy and Kopaka may just feel righteous enough to do the act.


Then there are the remaining two, who are really similar to each other, yet different.


Short Stories and Epics. Both need to tell a story that's serious. Both allow different kinds of stories to transform in the minds of the author, from love to woe, tragedy to serious (character-related) hilarity. We mix and match these different elements, add in a few Toa/Matoran friends, whip it up real good and you have a story that fits in either category.


There sets a fine line in the difference there that the author has to take note of.


Epics allow you to build on your story. It'll have to move at a slower pace, to allow room for more chapters to show growth, development and formation. It's very tedious, and extreme credit goes to the author who completes his/her epic but keeps the spice and vivacity of the epic throughout its span. I can't achieve that, but I'm working towards it. Action, drama and a lot of emotion steepled into the plot make an epic fly.


Short stories require a complete story in a matter of paragraphs, and quick development but it banks on the manner the story is told, and how the author portrays the story in one shot. Pace is no worry, but the tedious part of the story is to make sure that every part fits, cohese, and in the end sends out the message to the reader. It has to be there, otherwise the story is a mass of words that are in a mess.



One bids the question: Which to try, which to do?


Being the inexperienced one when I first got here and a crazy epic setting off the sparks, I started out in the Epics section.


But, for those who wish to start on a writing journey of self-discovery (oh so cliche), it's up to you. Do you prefer to write one tale at a time, or do you have a brilliant idea to kick-start your own major story, with characters and aplomb?


I really don't know. I find it way more useful to be working with both different mediums.


But, heh, my one weakness in the Library is the Comedies. It's easy to make a comedy, but so hard to make it last!


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Rave here means a good pouring of thoughts, along the same vein of 'ranting'.


Though, it'd be hilarious to see our authors in a techno-music club rave, with probably Onua or Tahu on the DJ set. :lol:



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Problem with comedies is if you can get more than a few useless reviews on your story.


I personally think it's harder to do a good SS than an epic. For an epic, you can really take your time to think up a good plot, but for a SS you need to get everything in there without making the thing seem too wordy. Anybody who can write a good SS is a good author, and easily has the expertise to turn it into an epic, in my opinion.



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Second-to-Last, yeah, actually that would fit right in, with all the cafes, hotels, 'Ask this Bionicle character' shows and all.



That's another reason why I don't dig comedies so much, 'cj.


Ahh... for some oddball reason, I'm feeling the opposite of your thoughts. The oddest point is that I spend at least 2 weeks on an epic chapter, but months on end for a short story. :lol: But, short stories are a big challenge, no doubt. Epics are also as big a challenge.


Hands down, writing is hard. Heehee.



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