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For Home Country!

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


The title is from a sound bite in Red Alert 2.


I figure, since everyone is doing it, I ought to have a Q&A entry in my blog. That is, in case anyone wants to know more about me.



If no one asks any questions, I'll know I've scared everyone off. Either that, or I have overexposed myself here.


With that said, ask away! Every question will get a response, and most will have answers. :)




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I thought this entry was about Borat when I read the title. ;_;


Oh, my question:


Do you like Borat? =D

Not particularly.


Tahu or Kopaka?

Kopaka. He has a shield.


Calvin or Arminius? :P



Calvin, if only because I've never heard of Arminius.


How many sets do you own?

How many different collectibles?

About 25, not counting 8525/8569 mask packs.

I have 105 different 2001 kanohi, including the white, red, blue, green, and black kanohi Matatu, the orange Vahi, a copper Mask of Victory, and a copper Billund Huna.


What is your name?


What is your quest?


What is the velocity of an unladen swallow?




My quest is to put the Pieces of the Puzzle back together.

African or European? :sly:




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From what I recall you are an Astros fan (I hope that memory is accurate). However, what other professional teams do you consider yourself a fan of?


You play games on your PC, but do you own any consoles along with that? How about portable systems?

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I am also a fan (though primarily by proxy) of the New Orleans Saints.

In the American League, I hold an interest in the Cleveland Indians because of my 2001 summer missions trip to Akron (the same summer I discovered BIONICLE) and the fact I went to UAkron for graduate school. And I'm also always pulling for whoever is playing the Yankees.

I was interested in the Dallas Stars the year they won the Stanley Cup, but I'm not that big on hockey, as I barely understand the sport.



The only console I own is a Nintendo GameBoy: the original, fat grey model that my parents got for me in 1988. Of the games I own and have beaten:

Super Mario Land

Super Mario Land 2

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3

Metroid II: Return of Samus (record time 2:03)

MegaMan IV

MegaMan V

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Country 2

Tetris Attack

Super R.C. Pro Am

Kirby's Dream Land

Kirby's Pinball Land

Kirby's Dream Land 2

Dr. Mario

Araknoid (well, as much as that and Dr. Mario could be "beaten")


The GameBoy offered me a fair amount of amusement when I had nothing to do in Klotzville for 10 months while waiting for my apartment to be renovated post-Katrina.



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What is your credit card information?! =O

Information about my credit card.

Well, it's plastic. It's flat, but with 16 numbers, a date, and my name embossed in it. There's also a black stripe on the back.

...And PIN number?

Congratulations! You have just asked the first question that will receive a response, but no answer.



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Did you get my PM about Brickfest minifigs for me?


Any troubles with the MOCs in general?


What do you do for fun on friday/saturday/sunday nights?



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Did you get my PM about Brickfest minifigs for me?

Yes, and I'm going to get Omi to help me interpret it on Friday.

Any troubles with the MOCs in general?

To be honest, Nospero is the only MOC I've removed from its shipping box. Everything else I'm unpacking tonight to start the unenviable task of packing.


Perhaps I should wait before answering that question in earnest.

What do you do for fun on friday/saturday/sunday nights?

Recently it's been working on this sewer model (The last day I didn't put some time on it was Sunday, March 4.). If I had some leisure time, it'd probably be spent playing Red Alert 2 with my brother, or with Turakii & Traku. That, or Ultima Online.




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The only console I own is a Nintendo GameBoy: the original, fat grey model that my parents got for me in 1988.

Ah...the Brick. I still have mine too...though it's mostly for nostalgia reasons seeing as how half the screen is dead pixles. If you're ever looking for new games, I can suggest a few. Most noticeably lacking is Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. ...Actually, that's pretty much it that I can think of. But play it!


I should've asked this along with the sports question: But since you're an Astro's fan, what do you think of all the rhubarb surrounding the Clemmens contract talks?

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Regarding Roger Clemens, I'm fairly confident that he won't get the deal he wants (not money, but perks like time away from the team) anywhere but Houston. And if he decides not to pitch this year, well, he has a 10 year player services contract, so he'll still be with the 'Stros.


If you want to send me the GameBoy cartridge, send me a PM. :lookhere:



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