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Important - About Bzpcc#1



First of all, thanks to everyone who voted for my entry in the comics contest; otherwise I wouldn't be writing this right now because I wouldn't be Premier.


But that's not what this is about.


There were two entries that didn't make the deadline for the contest and thus didn't make it in. They had tons of work put into them, and I feel bad about how they didn't even get the chance to be voted on, since they're both really awesome and probably would have bumped mine down a few places.


Can't change the fact that they didn't get in, but their authors have posted them now, so you can all read and post and whatnot.


Click the banners to view the topics:


(by Kahinuva)



(by Venom)


Also keep in mind that both of these as currently posted are incomplete, and will be added to as time goes on. Venom's is daily; Kahi's is less often (and to the best of my knowledge I would assume there's only one or two parts left for his).

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Indeed. They're both done very well, and I'd probably have votedfor Ven's if he had posted it in time.


Venom: Excellent usage of shadows. Your comics are very visually appealing. The thing that especially caught my eye for some reason was the perspective you used on Lhikan's swords in the second comic.


Kahi: Your photorealism reminds me of Ennar's Irreversible series. The storyline strikes me as something that could actually be the subject of a TV show.


Again, well done.

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