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I hereby declare that I am the King of Puns!


Anyone who defies my rule will be punished, with impunity! My reign is impunetrable!

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*impenetrable! It may be, but it's not error free.

Here's a story:


Once upun a time, somebody didn't get the joke. Don't let it happun again.

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Once upon a time, somebody decided to grammatically correct a joke as a counter-joke. He fully intends to let it happen again. XD

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I'm not sure whether I should laugh or cry for having started all of this...

I shall give you great swaths of territory, and shall call you Puns De Leon!

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Once upon a time, somebody decided to grammatically correct a joke as a counter-joke. He fully intends to let it happen again. XD

Once upon a time, someone tried to pass off their embarassing mistake as a deliberate joke when it was clear to everyone that it wasn't. It didn't work.




- Tilius

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Allow me to opune. Puns, say they, are the most puntulant, odious forms of humor. They aren't even punny. I may be no pundit, but give me pun chance -- the pun, they say, is mightier than the sword, and so my opunion is best punned in mere words:


Pun lord, your pungeant puns are punctured with holes. No lessening of propunquity can punt me from your throne.


That's what I call punny.



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Once upon a time, a grammar Nazi rolled his eyes at the strange and highly erroneous opinion of another member as to the meaning of the grammar Nazi's post. It worked...


...Or did it?

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