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Karaoke: The Final Frontier



No, I didn't record myself singing your favorite hits. In fact, that's the last thing I'd want to subject any of you to. In my car, I'm a rockstar...but anywhere else I keep my mouth shut.


It's one of those things where you sit there thinking "Ooh ooh...I could do this song, or this one!" And it seems like a great idea, but then there's that little voice in the back of your head that fears embarrasment. A few weeks ago that voice almost gave in, but was quickly silenced when I was unable to find the right song.


That's the biggest trick, aside from the courage thing. Just what song does one sing? Something upbeat to get the crowd going? Or do you do something mellow to show off your sensitive side? It was basically "Friends in Low Places" vs. "Your Song", but then I got into watching everybody else singing (including one guy who couldn't carry a note if it had crutches and another person helping out) and stopped caring.


Anybody else ever have that problem? Or, if you overcame it, what song did you bust out?


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Kareoke is awesome.


One time I did kareok on "Rock the Casbah". But instead of singing it, I just read it like it was a story. :P


Got some major laughs on that one. :P



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Eh, I can't sing, though if I was going to I imagine I would attempt something loud and obnoxious. Maybe Anti-Flag, or SoaD?

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Karaoke singing is fun. I don't know, Omi's idea seems to be foolproof. My idea is to be resilient and resistant, and refuse all probing that leads to you with a microphone in hand.



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I had the chance once, but that little voice kept me down.


And that little voice is still telling me it was a good idea.


Uh, oh. I better not hang out with Omi on karaoke night, no idea what he might get me into.



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I dunno, I would tend to be more motivated to do Karaoke if I were surrounded by people I knew. Morseo than the one or two that were there that night.

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There is not enough alcohol in a karaoke bar to make me sufficiently inebriated to get up there.


I don't mind singing a solo or something, but words on the screen distract me.



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But instead of singing it, I just read it like it was a story.

:lol: I can imagine that, and it's hilarious!



I really get into it to. Gotta put feeling into those words.

Omi's idea seems to be foolproof.

As long as you know what to do at the right moment, it is foolproof. Otherwise, you look like a complete utter fool.

I better not hang out with Omi on karaoke night, no idea what he might get me into.

Music. Lots of it.

There is not enough alcohol in a karaoke bar to make me sufficiently inebriated to get up there.


I don't mind singing a solo or something, but words on the screen distract me.



You + Me = Kareoke Duet at Brickfest.



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