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Uhh... Oh, Yeah!

Soaring Strawberry


I went to a slumber party with several other Bethels last night, at a local Masonic Lodge. We mostly danced and played hide and seek. The former included several playings of "I write Sins not Tragedies" (which would be my backgound music, but my parents are watching TV). The latter became mundane during the third round, because the other girls were so clever for hiding places.


At one point, I showed another Jobie my still unfinished contest entry, and I was surprised by her reaction:


HER: Oh, cool! Are you world famous?

ME: No, but I do have a Brickshelf.


We then shared e-mails, and she told me a little about herself. After the hide and seek, I went to bed, but it was hard falling asleep because of background noise and because "I write Sins not Tragedies" was still blaring in my head:


I chimed in, "Haven't you people ever heard of

Closing the *blank, blank* door?"

No, it's better to face these kinds of things

with a sense of voice and rationality...


And I still got up before everyone, even those who went to bed before I did. The next morning, we all ate doughnuts and went home. I fell asleep in my room as soon as I changed out of my jeans, and slept the rest of the day. After dinner, my family and I watched "Man of the Year."


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