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I Caught A Reggie-Mon!

Jedi Master J.


Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in for a bit to give you all an update of sort. And well, it is going to be kind of a short entry since I do not have the time right now to write a huge entry. I wish I did though as I have a lot of topics that I think might be worth mentioning here (And yes, some of them are LEGO and BZPower related. :P ).


But anyway, let's get back on topic, shall we? Oh, but what is our topic, you say? Well, it is mainly just me mentioning some stuff that I did on my 3DS. Yeah, I know that's not most exciting information to write about here. But considering I am pressed for time right now, it is about the shortest topic for me to deal with at this point.


So then, what did I do on the 3DS that worth mentioning here? I beat Find Mii for the first time with about 74 streetpass tags under my belt. I also did not use a single play coin in this game's playthrough, so I feel pretty good about that fact (My play coins are also at the cap limit of 300. In addition, I have not use a single play coin in Puzzle Swap either, although I am still a long way from getting all the puzzles done for that one.).


At same time though, I am kind of annoyed that three Miis, I collected today, were not used because the game was beaten before they shown up in the battle and they were unable to be use when I restart Find Mii. :( I end up making up for their absense by collecting three more Miis during another walk about my school. That and I got a bonus Mii from Spotpassing today (Which I believe was sent out yesterday since that was 27th.), so I made some progress on the second playthrough of Find Mii. Oh, and by the way, the bonus Mii was Reggie, which I believe Nintendo of America send out to all 3DS users yesterday as an anniversary gift for 3DS turning one.


In other 3DS news, I been playing a lot of Kid Icarus during my downtimes at school and I think might be close to beating the game on nomal mode (lol I imagine that people streetpassing with me at school probably hate that I am playing game right now on normal only.). If that is the case, I will likely write up a review entry here at some point, so I am not going to talk about it much in this entry. I do like the game so far though and I have every intention of play the game at its higher difficult levels later.


And that's about it for my 3DS talk here. Before I move on though, I just want to mention that I will be posting a Pokemon Black Playthrough Entry later this week for those that like reading those entries. If I had to guess, the entry should be up Sunday.


Alright, with that out of way, I have a brief life annoyance to vent here. Now I do not know how long a lot of you have been following this here blog, but I mention awhile back that an instructor of mines never pull the grade in for a class that I took last semester. Well, guess what? It is still not in and he tell me and others in the course that we are missing lab reports.


Argh...ARE YOU SERIOUS, DUDE? I came to him at the near the begin of this semester and ask him, "What are we missing?" with his answer along lines of, "I just had not finish grading the finals yet. The grades should be in there within a week after the paperwork been filed." A few weeks later, I come to office just as another student from my class is there to find out what the problem is and you know what he say, "Oh, it turns out after looking over your work submitted to me that I am missing some of your lab reports. So until I get those from you, you won't be getting the grade." WHAT? This semester is almost over and you decide to tell me this now. Seriously?


To make matters worse, my partner is insisting that he turn it in already, that he does not have another copy of his lab reports, and that instructor must of lost it. :( So now I am going to have to go through the trouble of scheduling to redo the labs (which might required me to take off work to do) with this instructor and my partner...


Okay, I think I might of went a little overboard with this rant. Sorry about that, folks. I am just so annoyed by the lack of communication and organization from this instructor since if this grade does not get submit by the end of this semester, then it will be like I never took the course and I do not want to take an extra extra semester. So yeah, I hope you all understand why I am kind of peeved here.


With that say, I am going to end this entry and call it a night. Good Night, BZPers. (And yes, I know this entry is long. Although if it weren't for the rant, this entry would of been short.)



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."


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Reggie is a BOSS. He has pretty much every puzzle swap piece, and his Mii in Find Mii is LEVEL FIVE. I've been relying mostly on purchased heroes and a few streetpass tags, and have never gotten anyone over level two. With the help of white, light blue, and green magic (which bumped him up to level SEVEN), Reggie cleaved through the second-to-last room pretty much single-handedly.


What determines the level of Miis encountered via Streetpass, anyway? If I ever hope to beat Find Mii with under 30 heroes, I'll definitely need more powerful Miis like Reggie.


Also, where are you located where you can Streetpass so many people? I rarely ever encounter anyone else, although it figures since I haven't had much of a chance to network with people my age since getting home from college. Do you purposefully get together with othe 3DS players, or do you encounter them by chance?

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All Reggie did in Find Mii 2 was get scared away by a mummy. I have several level 7 heroes that I can hire at will (you can hire old heroes in Find Mii 2), so it's not like I desperately needed him anyway.


Also, I unlocked my next to last puzzle thanks to him, so at least he was good for something. :P


And I had no idea the Play Coin limit was 300; thanks for saying that--I'm at like 210 or something. I probably would have almost reached the limit, but I haven't been walking around with my 3DS for a week.


Congratulations on beating Find Mii! I've gone through it twice, and Find Mii 2 once, and they're both really annoying.



Also, as for StreetPassing people, I generally get at least one per day when I take my 3DS with me to school, but that's only generally--it took me quite a while to get the achievement for getting StreetPasses five days in a row.

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@Ortographobia: Well, the level of your Miis is determine by how many times that you have tag them (which is the amount of times that you have come across them).


And as far as I am aware, you will never get a regular streetpass Mii (Basically I mean Miis that are not special Miis like Reggie) that will come to you for the first time as being any level higher than one. I know of only one way to get higher level Miis and that is to run into them repeatedly once a day. It is not easiest way of doing it, but I personally prefer it over Nintendo just giving pity Miis out everyday since that devoid the game of being a challenge.


Although I am not saying that Nintendo giving out occasional Miis like this is bad though since I do think it is nice thing to give out during celebrations and such. All I mean is that I do not want a Kid Icarus like streetpass deal in Find Mii since it would derail it of being a challenge.


Plus, it does have a system in place with play coins that you can use if you have poor luck in finding someone. Of course, I have never used the system, so I am not exactly sure how it works exactly. If I had to guess though, it must give you Miis that are only level one, which I will admit does kind of stink.


But anyway, on to your next question, I get my Miis from just walking around my college during Q-Time a lot and it is mostly luck based since much like yourself, I have not really network with a lot of people my age there. So yeah, I do not know the people that I streetpass with, beside my sister and my best friend from high school (Steven).


I have been tempted to try to start up a conversation with some people that I notice are playing on 3DS, but so far I been too chicken to actually do it. I also recently got a personal message send to me from someone's Mii that was asking me if I was in their class, which to be honest I am not sure if I am in their class. I could be though, so it would be interesting to see if that went anywhere.


@Tavakai: lol Yeah, Reggie did not do much for me either. He got me pass like one room, if I am recalling what happen correctly.


Hmm...Interesting, that sounds kind of cool. I might actually have to use some play coins for that feature if I ever get to the second quest game.


Thanks for congratulations and yeah, I have yet to get that achievement since I am only in school for about three days throughout the entire week.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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