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Tahu In The Rain



Tahu in the Rain


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The sky flashed bright white, revealing a scarlet-clad Toa. He crouched atop the wall of a crudely-built stone fortress, looking out onto the valley below. The rain poured down upon his body, feeling as if it was burning right through his armor. The hero looked up toward the sky, ignoring the rain drops falling into his eyes, piercing them like poison. It stung, but he endured, and watched the dark clouds moving gracefully across the sky, occasionally glimpsing the white-hued moon, trying to shine its way through the blockade of darkness.

..........The Toa cursed under his breath, wishing to be able to use his element of fire to keep the water off him. But he knew he couldn't. He had to endure. He must not show away his position. And so he looked longingly up at the moon, hoping the rain would stop. But he knew it wouldn't. It never did. Instead, even more globules of water effused from the charcoal ceiling. He finally looked down from the sky, and, closing his eyes, psychologically prepared himself for the battle to come.

..........He sighed, opening his eyes to see nothing but darkness upon the valley below. The rain poured down even harder than before. As it beat against his scarlet-colored armor, it felt as if the small driblets of water were ripping through his armor. He wanted to shout in anger. He wanted to do anything to make the water go away, but knew he couldn't. He knew that even if he tried to slightly warm his body in hope of evaporating the stinging water, he wouldn't be able to control it, and would try to extinguish all moisture around him. So he had to stand there, silently watching and waiting for the enemy.

..........He kept looking out upon the valley, trying to ignore the wet drizzle of water pounding against his armor. The look on his face would make even the most evil of beings look at him with pity. It was pitiful to see a being of fire so unable to do anything against his worst enemy. It was as if a Makuta was put into a room of light, not able to close its eyes, and not able to escape.

..........And yet, there was a look of determination in his pink-tinted eyes. A look of courage. A look of a hero. For that is what he was, and that is what he would be to his friends now. He would not betray them by giving away their position, so he would ignore the searing pain. He would do all that was necessary.

..........Another flash of lightning came, revealing the valley below him full of Dark Hunters slowly advancing toward the insignificant fortress that had been set up. The Matoran had been hidden underground, and the Toa then built a fortress over the Matoran's shelter in hope of defending them. But they knew what little chance they had. Even with a seventh Toa – Takanuva, the Toa of Light – they knew they wouldn't stand long against hundreds upon hundreds of Dark Hunters. But they had to try. For that was why they were created. To defend the Matoran. And so the Toa would do all in their power to save them.

..........Tahu again closed his eyes, concentrating on taking his focus off of the stinging rain. As he strained his ears, he could hear the rhythmic thump, thump of the Dark Hunters' feet as they marched across the grassy terrain. With every passing second, the thump, thump of the enemies' feet grew louder and louder.

..........The battle was about to begin.




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Note: Inspired by Brave Dragon's Caught in a Dream painting.


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Seeing as I am (obviously) a big fan of Tahu, and his being my favorite Toa, I was naturally drawn to this.


Firstly, that's an awesome painting. I wonder what inspired Brave Dragon to make it? Tahu in the rain is definately an interesting contrast. And what a dramatic picture there.


I like the images you've conjured up here. Tahu standing vigil in a storm, awaiting a huge battle with Dark Hunters... I don't see as this fits into the canon anywhere but it's cool nonetheless. Who's bright idea was it to have Tahu stand guard, though? :P Unless they all are.


You may have exaggerated his pain a little bit, the words "burning", "poison", and "ripping" being a little strong, but I can imagine his finding rain very irritating. I do like the illustration of his resolve and endurance, though. And it's nice and dramatic the whole way through.


Now I want to see the battle. :P


And I do love that painting. Does it have a topic?

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Right, this isn't canon at all nor is it supposed to be. I liked taking canon characters and then just having fun with them, and writing about them as I imagine them, whether or not it's completely accurate. So that's where the pain of the rain comes in -- exaggerated for canon? Of course, but this isn't canon.


I basically took the idea of a being of fire -- something that loves fire, who "breathes" fire, who, in a way, is fire -- and then asked myself what that would mean if he came in contact with the opposite of "who he is." Some of the words were perhaps slightly exaggerated, but not much so. There's some humans who really hate rain, and react quite negatively to it. So I just took that to the very extreme, as he's not a "neutral" human, but he's someone who embraces fire, of which is part of him. Water "hurts" fire, so I followed through with that idea for him.


I wrote this story way back in 2009, so I don't remember completely, but if I remember right the idea behind it was that it was somewhat of a "last stand" between him and the other Toa, so he -- and them -- would be standing guard.


I remember having some ideas for the battle and the background of this story (I originally hoped that this would just be a prologue), and I want to see the battle too, haha. Unfortunately, though, I've kind of moved passed fanfiction, especially for something like this that would take a considerable amount of time, time that I'd rather spend on other writing projects. Who knows, though. Maybe some day I will write the rest of this story -- I kind of doubt it, though. Still, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for your comments!


As for the painting, it, too, was made in 2009, so there's not a topic that you can post in. Here is the original topic, however.

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Oh, my, I'd completely forgotten to check and see if you replied to me. Heh, heh.


Okay, I see what you mean. On the supposition that he's basically "made of fire", it makes more sense.


Well, perhaps I shall read some of your other work as well.


I can't get over how cool that painting is! Thanks for the link. That's cool that it came from a dream the artist had. If I remember right, the movie Avatar got its start from a dream had by the mother of James Cameron.

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