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Bzpcraft: Hardcore - Rules And Regulations




It is time everyone! Tomorrow Night at 9:00PM Central Standard Time, "BZPcraft: Hardcore" will kick off.

The Following is the list of our competitors, the other three who never answered my plea for Hamachi are out. You guys had your chance, Plain and Simple.

  • MatoroIgnika
  • Portalfig
  • Bambi
  • IcyStar
  • Electric Turahk

The Rules:

  1. Absolutely no alliances.

  2. No leaving the Obsidian arena until you die, in which you will be spawned outside of it.

  3. No X-Ray Texture Packs or any unfair Modification. Optifine however, I will allow due to its Minecraft performance enhancing options.

  4. Regeneration Potions and Golden Apples are not allowed.

  5. Instant health Potions ARE allowed, though only the Level One variant.

  6. When the amount competitors drops to 2, start heading toward the center of the arena, or a pre-determined co-ord so as to prevent aimless wandering.

  7. Once you die, you're out. No If's, and's, or but's.

  8. There is/will be one overall grand prize. It shall be elaborated upon at the end of this post.

  9. You are allowed 0 contact after the game starts, with the other competitors until the point in which you die.
  10. No Camping out, you must stay active.

The Grand Prize:


BEEP by Big Fat Alien


This game is available through Steam, and I will gift it to the winner through said platform after the game concludes.





To the competitors, I will be PMing/IMing you the Hamachi Network Information shortly.

I'll thank you to join promptly so we can do a proper stress test of my server either later tonight, or sometime tomorrow.




With all that being said, I have only this to say.


Good Luck to everyone, and happy hunting!


Recommended Comments

Here's a countdown page that will work regardless of which time zone you're in. No, I'm not in Mexico City, that's the default location it lists for CDT.


Plus, a slight correction. I'm pretty sure you mean CDT, not CST. The only places in the US officially on Standard time are Arizona and Hawaii.

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