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I was inspired by my sister (who downloaded some cool fonts for me) to make some mock-up album covers for my band, which might be used on our first demo recording whenever that happens. I made up three using some pictures I found online, and I'd love some critique from you all.


in order of my least favourite to favourite:


All Things Must Die


I have this one for if we lean more to the evil-er side of metal, with the doom and gloom and yeah. I dunno', I'm not a huge fan of it.


Those That Pray


This one is a bit more intelligent, with the name and picture actually representing something, but that goes a bit close to my views on religion so I'll stay out of those waters (no pun intended). I really like the look of this but it does feel slightly tacky.



Whole Lotta Nothing


This one here is a bit less "metal", but I think it stays truer to who we are as guys, with our wacky sense of humour. Also, our bassist learned to play when he moved to saskatchewan (which looks very similar). He was super bored, so decided to buy a bass. In a big way, we owe the band's existence to a "whole lotta' nothin'".


Anyway yeah, this is just me trying to get some ideas out and see if they're successful at all. This would only be for a demo recording, as I have grand plans for an actual album cover, but I would still much appreciate thoughts. Also I'm not even sure which would fit the music best 'cause I don't actually know what the music is. ha.






Recommended Comments

All Things Must Die: Not too fond of it. The text is not clear on it, and even then something doesn't feel quite right for a cover, but can't really explain what.


Those That Pray: This one's my favourite. The only problem with it is that the album name is a bit too faint, maybe you could bold it and see how that looks? Also, might want to mess around a bit with the brightness/contrast of the picture, it does look a tad bit odd. Other than that it's great, love that it represents something.


Whole Lotta Nothing: This one's pretty good too. Not much wrong with this one, but it feels a bit empty... Which is the point anyway. I like the 667 instead of the standard 666.

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The last one is my favorite, though you really should try putting the band name somewhere. The first one is pretty dark and gloomy, which makes it hard to read the text; I think Malchior's disliking might be put down to the lack of a focal point. The second one might be improved by moving the band name to the lower-right and shrinking it so it looks like the album title, and also by bolding the text.

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Lol sykura.


I'll test out some of your suggestions for sure, thanks. Also, Legolover, 667 is the band name. 667=the neighbour of the beast. :P

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You know I am right, haha.


I (for obvious reasons) cannot post some examples, but by all means send me a PM and I shall amaze/disgust you with the attention to every tiny little gory detail...

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