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The Hungry Hungry Games

a goose


I will make blog posts every chance I can, for those of you who aren't already following the topic.













Laaaaaadies and Geeentlemaaaaan! It is with siiiiiiiingular pride that I welcome you to the 1,443 Aaaaaaaannual Hungry Hungry Games! A nitty-gritty-battle-to-the-death slaughterfest royale, using the most ridiiiiiiiiiculous weapons as pooossssssssssible, all for youuuuuuuuur amusement. Let us find out who the lucky contestants are this year!



(As the announcer speaks, fifteen holes in the ceiling of the enormous stadium open up, an equal amount of egg-shaped canisters slide though and pause, suspended in the air above everyone's heads. As each name is read, a single pod drops down into the arena below)



Pirok, Toa of Fire!

The Shadow, a Vortixx mystery man!

Invisible, Toa of Sonics!

Ignotus, Emporer of the Mystix himself!

Incommodo, Toa of Magnetism!

Kraal, Mystix of Iron!

A Mysterious Water Mystix, name Unknown!

Laz, Mystix of Crystal!

Reichenbach, Toa of Sonics!

Incurso, Toa of Ice!

Frustro, Toa of Sonics!

Nikarra, Toa of Lightning!

An Unknown Toa of Sonics!

Strave, the Ta-Matoran!

Stranax, A male Vortixx!



Now that you have met the contestants, let's have a review of the rules! First rule: NO POWERS! A special Nullification Field Generator, or NFG, has been placed under the area to prevent any type of Elelemental, Mask, Mark, Supernatural, or anything else that one can think of, from working. All you have is your head and natural prowess. Second rule: NO WEAPONS! As the contestants have already learned, they find themselves without their familar arms at their sides as they sit helpless in their pods. Any and all weapons will be provided. Anyone caught smuggling possible weapons in will be eliminated on sight, so no cheating contestants! Third Rule: ANYTHING ELSE GOES! As this is a fight to the death you may use any natural terrain, weapons, or objects provided to you to kill your opponents. You may be as honorable or as diabolical as you want, but the end remains: there can be only be one survivor. Do what you need to survive!



Now that you know the rules, you need to know the playing field. Below you contestants is a large circular area, and each of your pods will dop an equidistant space from each other near the edge of the playing field. This field is made up of mostly sandy rock, with many crags, crevasses, and large boulders to hide and fight in and around. You will note a few grassy patches with trees, and passing through the center a small creek. It is here that you all will do battle with one another until only one stands victorious. If you are concerned that your weapons might reach the massive live audience that surrounds you worry not contestants! After you drop through a domed shield will activate, keeping you and all the carnage in and any stray shots out, preventing any sort of escape. Rest assured each and every spectator has the best seat in the house and is fully protected from anything you may attempt.



Now for some final pointers. Every so often there will be a break in the action as Sponsored Weapons Drops occur. Some will be general, others might be targeted; it depends on how well you fight. Some might be useful, some harmful, and others simply bizarre. You never know what will be in the mystery crate, so you'd better grab it before someone else does! With that let us introduce you personally to the field of play...



(On cue there is the sound of whirring machinery, a slight jolt, and then the sensation of weightlessness as each pod drops to the ground below, a massive transparent blue shield activating behind them. After a teeth-chattering land the pod door explosively decompress, launching the metal towards the center of the very large arena. As each members steps out of his respective pod they note that in the center of the field there are various piles of assorted objects)



Alright contestants, your first set of available weapons includes: One Siege-Class two-ton wooden catapult; a pile of assorted bird feathers; five bright-red rubber balls, each one bio in diameter; and a fifteen-ton vat of boiling tree sap. These are your starting weapons... that is, if you can beat the other contestant to them!



Congratulations to those lucky enough to get selected for such a prestigious honor! May the best man win! Play Well!



(On cue a large gong was struck, signaling the beginning of the Games. The crowd went wild as the carnage began)









Alright Paradox, there you have it! As of the posting of this topic I hereby banning you from posting the Bzprpg until this little sidegame is resolve :biggrin: The last thing your characters remember is really doing whatever it was they were doing and then suddenly wisked away, suddenly trapped inside these metal spheres, with no weapons or powers available to them. It will be your job to write the story of how each of your characters dies during these games, until only one remains. It can take as long or as little as you want, but it needs to be done. Here are some further rules:


1) ONLY PARADOX CAN POST IN THIS TOPIC! This is for him and me only. Anyone else caught posting will have those deleted with extreme vengence.

2) Like I said, no posting in the Bzprpg! You must complete this side-quest first.

3) This needs to be fun! I have it set up to give you the most ridiculous objects and weapons possible, and it will be your job to find the most creative, amusing, and if not embarrasing end to each and every one of them.

4) That said, YOU CAN DOUBLE, TRIPLE, EVEN QUADRUPLE POST. I am suspending the multiple-posting rule for this special occasion. I will try to post as often as I can as the announcer between yours, but with my schedule that may not be possible. Be aware that every time I post there is a high possibility I will knock someone off if the craziest fashion I can. You've been warned.

5) I retain all rights to kill, reanimate, suspend, or otherwise change the rules at a whim as I see fit.

6) THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! This needs to be doubly-enforced. I want you to go nuts, explore your characters, then beat them to death with a sap-covered rubber ball, or spoon them to death with a wooden ladel, or watch them implode as the clowns arrive spraying their acid seltzer-water and gravity-inducing throwing pies.


Now I know what you're thinking: how am I supposed to have fun when I have only one character left at the end of it. Well, that's the beauty: you're not. After this fiasco is completed and once the games are done all your characters will be brought back to life and magically returned back to the Bzprpg, albiet some time will have passed obviously. They won't permanently stay dead despite the possibility of being dismembered by the little white rabbit. Whether they remember this little escapade or not is up to you, but every character will return to their original status.


That said, I'm going to give you a second option: Play the Stakes. If you are willing to PERMANENTLY kill every one of your characters (save the winner) in this gladiator drama I will give you a birthday prize: the last character standing will receive a special token, weapon, armor, or prize determined by me that the winning character can then use freely in the Bzprpg. That's right, if you freely exchange every character you currently have minus the winner, I will give you an awesome (well, how awesome depends on how well you play) item tailored for the survivor. If you want you can suggest something that would be a good fit for the survivor, but the end decision is mine.


Well, that's that! Good luck out there, have fun, and enjoy BPZ's first ever edition of...









IC: Pirok, The Shadow, Invisible, Ignotus, Incommodo, Kraal, ?/Aru, Laz, Reichenbach, Incurso, Frustro, Nikarra, [unknown], Strave, Stranax


As soon as Incommodo got out, he looked around, and tried to figure out the intelligent solution.

He decided this was running away. Quickly.


Reichenbach stood, and looked at each of his minions in turn. With what he assumed to be a sigh of resignation, each one of them apart from Kraal [Nikarra, [unknown], Stranax] joined him.


The Shadow himself grabbed Invisible by the neck and ran off into the distance, only to be stopped by Reichenbach's minions:


"Alright, people, be calm. Nothing can go wrong. Now, those of you who are villains, I can help you to victory."


Ignotus looked at Reichenbach. It would be easy enough to overpower him when it became necessary, and from the looks of things he's intelligent...

"Mystix [Kraal, Laz], to the one with the fangs!"


The Shadow laughed as Reichenbach spoke. "Hah! You expect me to help form an alliance? Fool. This is every..." The Shadow looked at the beings in the clearing, "Thing for themselves."


"People, tip that big vat over on top of the Vortixx." The minions all ran forwards, their combined strength tipping the vat over, pouring it over The Shadow and Invisible, killing them and some of the greenery.


Pirok ran off in the same general direction as Incommodo, ?/Aru and Strave not far behind him.


OOC: Two dead [The Shadow & Invisible] in the first post. LET'S GET THIS THING STARTED!!! :evilbiggrin:


- Paradoxophobia


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