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3D Modeling

Blessed Blade


Alternative titles: Ideas For The Future


So, to get ideas for what might happen eventually, when I get rid of my fail computer, I thought about what I want to try out.


I've already tried The GIMP, it's only my laziness that's stopped me from using it more lately.


I know I like gaming, and want to try for that, alongside something computer related, job-wise.


I like music, so being able to edit it might be an idea.


... So, I decided that when I upgrade my computer, in addition to The GIMP and my other typical stuff, I'm gonna try and get Blender and Audacity. =) Have no clue when that'll happen; but it should be intriguing.(Hint: I currently have no clue how I'll do well at creating 3D models. At all. =P) I'm willing to give it a try, though. Really, one I get something that can support 3D graphics, I can work from there. Shouldn't really matter exactly how new it is, as long as it can support that. =P


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I see. Hopefully I can get it to work, whenever I get it.


In the meantime, I thought I'd try some GIMP stuff again; but I can't think of what to do first. I doubt anything spriting related, since I don't like that much, since i don't do well with it, but...

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Audacity is free, so you won't encounter too many problems there. :P


I've pretty much given up on the notion of ever making a 3D game. Whenever I play a game with a moveable 3D camera, I just think "Gah...it must be so much work to design it to be viewed at any angle DX." Plus 2D games can realistically be a one-man job. =P

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1. Yeah, I just can't handle it currently. That'll change, though. =P


2. Well, technically once you have some models fully made, you can spam those and give the illusion of having done a ton of work; even if just to act as placeholders.


Plus, from what I understand, it's textures that do the most of the work, like differentiating people from one another in-game.


I could be wrong; but; I'll find that out for myself once I start. xD

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The models probably aren't the hard part; they might take a little while, but ultimately it's just a matter of cramming as many polygons in there as you can. :P


What I don't get are 3D game cameras. Like Monster Hunter. The camera, as I understand, is essentially the perspective the game takes while rapidly drawing the image on screen. A fixed camera isn't too bad, maybe a little harder while you move, but not too bad. But being able to view from literally hundreds of minutely different angles...aaaagh >_<

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1. True, true. xD


2. What's hard to figure out? *Slightly confused* Maybe it's because I've been playing 3D games for a long while, but wouldn't it be kinda easy, so long as you have everything ready for viewing? Sure, people might be able to view that one space where the model connects to a mountain, but it doesn't necessarily mean you have to precisely texture it so that people can see every detail. It's why half of the out-of-bounds areas in Tri aren't modeled, even if they're actual areas. =P

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If you want to make any sort of game with Blender, I strongly suggest you learn at least basic Python.

Blender's Game Engine uses Python, and it makes things much simpler if you do to. :P

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Oh? You can actually make games with Blender? I hadn't actually known that; interesting. Well, that certainly cuts out a step. >=D


I was planning on trying to learn Python for various reasons, too. Might do that sometime soon. =)

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It's a little rough, some people prefer to use Unity.

But it is completely possible to make an entire game in Blender.

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Hmm. I might try that, then. It doesn't require a paid version of Blender, correct?


/EDIT: What am I thinking? It's open source. It can't have a paid version. >_>'

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