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Lol A Tuesday Five



What is your favorite song you've heard recently?How many 2006 sets do you own?What would be the ideal Bionicle set, in your opinion?What media player do you use?Do you own any pets?Yeah, thar be it.


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  • "Wherever We Go" by the Newsboys
  • 1: 8729 - Toa Nuparu
  • *shrug*
  • MusicMatch JukeBox, because I haven't bothered to learn how to change the MP3 record rate on Windows Media Player 10 (although I love the minimize-to-taskbar feature of it) or iTunes
  • No. However, there are chihuahuas next door. They're annoying.


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  • Halo 2 MJOLNIR Mix, by Marty O'Donnell and Steve Vai
  • 19, All of them except for Piraka Outpost, four of the Matoran and Umbra.
  • A Toa/Slizer mix, titan-size.
  • Windows Media Player.
  • A few cats and a dog.
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'I Will Wait For You',sung by Connie Francis. Connie...Oh, Connie...

Heh, None. alas.

One which came with a '16 and up' label.

iLife Applications.

At the Last Count, Four Cats, Two Dogs, Two Tortoises, Seven Chickens and a Cock, and a new strain of Mitochondrial bacteria that devours Flies only.

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What is your favorite song you've heard recently?

Jonny Sniper by Enter Shikari. Well, its not but at least it's friendlier to rocks then what I originally put here.

How many 2006 sets do you own?

12. Piraka + Inika

What would be the ideal Bionicle set, in your opinion?

One that's Toa Mata size with the posability of Axonn. Oh, and this set is really cheap, I'm short on cash at the moment.

What media player do you use?

Windows Media Player *runs*

Do you own any pets?

No but I have this insane ability to talk to dogs. Dogs don't actually communicate by barking, they actually use actions instead. Like mimes but nowhere as lame.

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* What is your favorite song you've heard recently?

* How many 2006 sets do you own?

* What would be the ideal Bionicle set, in your opinion?

* What media player do you use?

* Do you own any pets?


- the heck if I know

- all, minus stupid promos and playsets

- almost any set from 01

- Musicmatch

- yes, two cats and a dog

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Creeping In My Soul - Christine Lorentzen


I dunno. I let Lego think of them and then I see if I like them. I don't have any "ideal" set ideas.

Windows Media. Musicmatch always freezes up my computer.

Dog, cat.

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  • Whatever's currently stuck in my head. Something about not playing wit' 2 many knives...
  • 21
  • An underdog hero.
  • Creative MediaSource. No clue how it got there, but it works.
  • Used to have some guinea pigs, but they were poorly behaved. We eventually got rid of them.
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  • Birdhouse in Your Soul - They Might Be Giants
  • Three
  • One with a bunch of pieces.
  • iTunes, it's the only thing that works with my iPod.
  • Yes I do.
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I'm Not Alright ~ Sanctus Real
Function + Purple + 2001
Windows Media Player 11
A dog named Libby, a hamster named Sage, and turtle named.

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-'Tis a tie between "Over and Over" by Hot Chip, "The Kill" by 30 Seconds to Mars, and (of course) "Creeping in My Soul" by Christine Lorentzen.

-All 'cept Kardas and the playsets.

-Well, the set would have full articulation. I'm talking neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, back, hips, knees, ankles, and (yes) fingers. We'd have a traditional color scheme (hearkening back to the days of old) of the Metru and Mata colors, except it'd be black with dark grey and white with a very light grey. Brown would return. Metal colors would go away, save for a few accents. I'm guessing it'd be like an Ultimate Collector's Set.

Storywise...don't get me started.

-WMP 10, but I'm going to upgrade to 11 shortly. I should probably do that now. *upgrades*

-Nope, no more for me.



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Realplayer FTW.

I use it to sync to my MP3 player (Creative Zen MicroPhoto), but I find iTunes is still better for organizing/listening to music. =D

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1.What is your favorite song you've heard recently?

Either smack that or something that goes:"Im dangerooouusss...."


2.How many 2006 sets do you own?

All exept the playsets and Kardas and Axxon.


3.What would be the ideal Bionicle set, in your opinion?

One with bloody fangs,a vampristic demon-ish look,and long bladed wings.


4.What media player do you use?




Do you own any pets?

5 dogs.Beat that,hampster eater mc donalds puppy smuggler.

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