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Gondorian New Year!

ToM Dracone


Music: Live to Tell the Tale, Nightwish

Mood: Accomplished


Of greatest interest:

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Like how she looks now? Then go see the rest of the Mahri Remixed – you may like the rest even more. (And yay for shameless plugs! :P ) I just finished drawing Kongu, the last one I needed to do, so I hope to have him up tomorrow.


Secondly, on Saturday I got Nocturn and Axonn. Nocturn is just about completely awesome – lime greeeeeeeen! And glow-in-the-dark blue! – Axonn is a pretty good set, not bad but not my favorite. His proportions are still too chibi-like for me, especially with the huge hands, but I like him nonetheless. Nocturn is far cooler, though. The interiors of his thighs and body could have been filled in a little, but he's still amazing. Possibly my favorite set of the year so far.


And finally, today is the day of the New Year in Gondor! March 25th in the Shire calendar, which equates to March 27th in the Gregorian calendar. The day Sauron was defeated at last, Gollum with the Ring fell into the Cracks of Doom, and Gwaihir ridden by Gandalf, Landroval, and Meneldor carried Frodo and Sam from Orodruin. Momentous events indeed.


Let there be festivities! However the Gondorian New Year is celebrated...

~ ToM


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Where in the name of this good earth did you get a Shire calendar? O.o


Anyways, yes, Nocturn is AMAZING. I guess it was mostly his color scheme that won me over, but his four arms would make some really sweet battles and stuff.


I'll have to comment on them Mahri later -- dinner almost ready here. I've seen them, and love them; if only the sets were like that. But Hahli is my favorite -- her wings (WINGS, Lego -- not fins) make her look angelic. Very awesome.

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Where in the name of this good earth did you get a Shire calendar? O.o

The Appendecies, you uneducated human.


Hmm... How to celebrate?


Flags? Maybe? Drinking contests?


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Duh. We celebrate by going to the nearest volcano and throwing in anyone who happens to be wearing a ring. :P


Or dancing. That works too.


- :vahi:

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Duh. We celebrate by going to the nearest volcano and throwing in anyone who happens to be wearing a ring. :P


Or dancing. That works too.


- :vahi:


*looks at finger and gulps*




Seriously, though, nice Mahri drawings, ToM. ^_^

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I vote dancing. In the Field of Cormallen. After consuming larger quantities of anachronistically carbonated beverages than are probably good for one.


It leaves the most people intact. One would hope. :lookaround:

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