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Concept Pitch For Bionicle: Lost Brothers (Please Review!)

Pahrak Model ZX


But first, Bioni-Lords Book 3: Kako has officially started! Since it takes place 20 years before Book 1 and has a whole new cast of main characters, it's a great place for newcomers to start reading!

...Please? D:


Anyway, I figured I'd put up my idea for a sequel to BIONICLE: The Forgotten Bond and see what you guys think of it. I even threw together a banner.




So here's the basics: after the events of Forgotten Bond, the official Bionicle timeline resumed and progressed all the way through the Karda Nui arc. However, when Mata Nui lands on Bara Magna, things take a new turn--it seems that Legolord did more than just scatter the Cosmic Bricks, and a new group of villains wants to use this to their advantage...

As you can tell by the banner, this story will bring Galidor, Knights' Kingdom II, Exo-Force, and Ben 10 Alien Force into the timeline. Yes, I know, people hate Galidor and the Ben 10 Alien Force sets, but I'm going through with it. I'm only bringing in one character (you can guess who) from Ben 10, and the only Omnitirix alien forms he'll be using are the ones that were released as sets--heck, we probably won't even visit his world. As for Galidor, I'm only planning to use two characters, the main character's ship, and probably not the setting (although I haven't entirely decided). To pinpoint the timelines: this will be after the events of the Galidor TV series, during the second years of Knights' Kingdom and Exo-Force, and at some undisclosed point in the Ben 10 Alien Force series (since the exact time doesn't really matter and...I'm lazy).

Originally, I was only going to involve these four 'Lost Brother' lines and the Bara Magna 2009 story, but now I think I'm going to bring back Slizers, RoboRiders, and the Hero Factory. The Slizers would have reached Millennia's home planet by now, giving us a view of that setting and the new characters there, plus we'd get to see Granite, Amazon, Electro, and Torch in action. The RoboRiders haven't gone through any massive events, but the villagers did build a complete second team of RoboRiders to back-up the first; their Elements are Wind, Water, Psionics, Thunder, Metal, and Gravity (the first four will definitely be female, haven't decided on genders for the last two). Hero Factory has played through it's 2.0 story, but my version is a tad bit different--it's longer and involves more confrontations with the corrupted mining robots, and since I seriously despise the name "Fire Villains", I refer to them as the "Kerosene Demons." There's also a bit more to why they went rogue (and how Fire Lord got the blueprints to Furno's Dual Fire Shooter), but that's something that I'd want to referene in Lost Brothers, which will take place during the 3.0 storyline. Main alterations would include additional technology/powers for the heroes, possibly replacing Quatros with Bota Magna (to ease the melding of stories), and maybe designing 3.0 forms for Breez (beetle themed), Surge (monkey themed), and Evo (armadillo themed).

I also want to work in some references to a few other Lego lines and some real people who are associated with Lego, but nothing too major with these since I'm focusing on the buildable action figures.


I've tried to limit how much brainstorming I do until I get a feeling for how this story would be received. If no one's going to read it, I want to know before I do too much work on it! Questions, comments, and suggestions are greatly appreciated...in fact, I'm begging for them! D: Please give me some feedback to work with!!


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My first gripe is the alternate name for the Fire Villains, I really don't like it. My second is the misspelling of "rogue". My third is how Exo-Force and Knight's Kingdom will fit in with all these other powered themes. Also I'm a bit worried that this might get too complex and hard to comprehend (Simple and boring plots are not one of your faults :P).


I'm giddy over more Slizers and RoboRiders being introduced since I'm extremely nostalgic.


Overall I'm excited and confident that the pros will outweigh the cons.

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Yeah, I wasn't completely sure on "Kerosene Demons." Any ideas for an alternative? I refuse to use "Fire Villains"...

Sorry about the spelling error, I'll fix that.

Well, if all else fails, I might just have Mata Nui use the Ignika to power up the knights and mechs, and I'm sure the villains could find an equivalent.

I'll do my best to keep it easy to follow. I know it's something I need to work on...

I'm not entirely sure where to start with designing these new Slizers, but I'll probably draw on Blaster's gang for some idea since they're from the same planet. Might introduce some new Elemental variations...

Thank you for your thoughts! I'll put some more work into Lost Brothers and keep you updated on my progress!

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How 'bout the Magma Mafia, maybe I've spent too much time in G&T playing Mafia but it's better then Fire Villains.

That sounds good.

Well at least we're never bored, it's good mental exercise.

Giddy-ness level un-capped!

No problem. ;)

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.I'm giddy over more Slizers and RoboRiders being introduced since I'm extremely nostalgic.Overall I'm excited and confident that the pros will outweigh the cons.



On the subject of the Fire Villains, would it work to just refer to them as The Fire Lord's gang? Otherwise, I can't think of anything overly creative at the moment either. :/

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I think Zuko would be more accurate, since he was corrupted by an outside source and isn't necessarily pure evil.

...But, yeah, probably won't go with an Avatar reference. :P I hadn't thought of renaming him, but it might help to distinguish between his original, intended "personality" and the corrupted "Fire Lord"...I'll see what I can come up with.

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Hm, I'll happily read whatever you put up and make my mind up later - I'm actually going to scrap and reattempt my stories myself, this time with an ACTUAL storyboard. Good luck with Lost Brothers!

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In light of my recent ECC review, I think I'll be postponing/cancelling Lost Brothers. If nothing else, I think I should focus more on Kako to try and keep it interesting. Might do something with these ideas later on, though...

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