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Fringe Birthday - 20 Years Of Life

Jedi Master J.


*hyper* Hey, folks. It is time once again for me to write up a post-FRINGE episode and man, folks, it was a good one. Of course, I say that pretty much about every episode that I have watched, so you are probably not surprised.


This is not to say though that I don't find anything to dislike in those episodes as I actually do find things to dislike in them. I simply just don't mention them here because such discussion would lead me to talk about episode in detail and that would be spoiling things for someone, so I can't have that here.


For example (Which I won't be talking too much about since again, I would be spoiling), I really dislike how it end in such a cliffhanger and it made me rage to the heavens, "FOX renew FRINGE!!" Seriously they can't just start telling me a new story arc and have it end here in this episode with a cliffhanger. Why must you tease me with what could be, FRINGE? Alright, that's all I am going to say on this episode because if I were to say anymore than that, we will be walking right into spoiler territory and we don't want that, do we?


In other non-FRINGE related news, I turned twenty today. And as per last year's trandition, I got no Birthday wishes or topic, so good work, guys. :) I'll see you all next April 20th at same time and same place and you will do nothing like you are supposed to. :P Alright, I'll stop ribbing you guys and tell you about my day, which I'll be honest, outside of FRINGE, it was pretty dull since nothing really happen.


Well, that's not totally true. My Great Aunt's funeral was today and well, since my mother had to go to it, I did a lot of walking today. In particular, I had to walk all the way from work to a bus stop (I ride the SEPTA bus to school everyday.), which is not around the corner and lot of the roads, I walked, do not have sidewalks. It actually was not that bad though and personally I have no problem doing it since I completely understand why she couldn't pick me up from work and all. And beside, I kind of do need the exercise.


But anyway, after the long walk, I got school and really did not do much, which kind makes me think I should of given into the desire to skip class today. *shrugs* Hm...I probably should been working on my final project for class since officially it has been decided that I will be building the LEGO House set in Inventor. Although considering I was at school and away from my pieces to re-engineering from, I couldn't really do that. And that is all that really happen with me today.


So what else do I have to talk about here? Well, for starters, I kind of surprised that my last entry actually got people agreeing with me about not wanting to go to award ceremonies or graduation. Seriously I expected if I got any replies to that entry, they would be from people saying, "Dude, suck it up and be social," or something along those lines. Which unfortunately is kind what I going to have to do since my mother is convince it will be good thing to put on my resume. That and not going to it will apparently reflect badly on my character or something.


Moving on from that, I would like first apologize to Ortographobia because I failed to find some time to play Pokemon Black today and unfortunately my weekend is too jam packed to really make any promises that I will have something up by Sunday. I am sorry, dude. Hopefully next weekend things will start dying down for me school wise that I will be get some playtime in for the game again.


As for the next thing, I thought I would share with you some of my plans for this weekend. The following is what I will hopefully doing this Saturday:


- Go to the work in tomorrow (This one will happen.)

- Clean the basement up (Well, some of it. Probably not all of it as that would take a few days to do probably.)

- Shave and get a hair cut (Shaving will most likely happen, but hair cut probably not since my barber closes earlier on Saturdays.)

- Record the interview for xccj (This absolute will happen tomorrow and it will no doubt take awhile since I know I am going to mess up a lot.)

- Work on modeling the rest of LEGO House project

- If I finished everything for LEGO House project, work on the Ussal Crab as a side project for fun


Yup, that's most what I will be doing this weekend. Hopefully I will be able to get most of those things done.


Alright, I got one last topic to talk about and that is I am now flipfloping again about BrickFair and saying, "You know what maybe I could still go, if I change my travel option to simply plane and taxi." *shrugs* I don't know. It is a thought though. Although to be honest, what I really would like is convince a good friend of mines to come with me, so we could kind of get break from our families for a bit. Again, I have no idea really if anything will come from this, so don't get your hopes up.


And that's all I have for you guys today. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.




"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."


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Happy birthday, dude! Don't forget to change your age in your blog content block!


It's my dad's birthday today too!


And Adolf Hitler's!


And George Takei's!


But they didn't get BZP birthday topics either. =P

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lol Thanks for the heads up. I forgot all about editing that. *fixed*


Oh, and thank you for the belated birthday wishes and happy birthday to your father as well. And yes, I already knew it was Hitler's birthday too, which was why I joked earlier today when I cut a slice of the cake that we should say Hail Hitler instead of happy birthday. XD


And that I did not know. lol But yes, that is true that they did not get BZP topics either.




"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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