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Man, I'm Getting Old...





One of my relatives... I dunno' what he is, maybe a second cousin once removed or something? Anyway, he's like 7, and he had brought a bag of lego to my grandparents' house. I had met this kid once before maybe when he was two-ish, so I started talking with him and he showed me some sets he had and stuff. I was messing around with a star wars set (that green and yellow one from the clone wars) and a piece fell off. I picked it up, and looked briefly around the ship to find where it fell from, but he grabbed it from me and said "it goes here, dumb***". And I was just like shocked.


First of all, like, I've been playing with lego since before you were born, so I think I know how to find where a piece came from. Excuse me if I couldn't see it in three seconds on a set I'd never built. Secondly, when did kids start using such language? I never even heard any of those words 'till I was 10-ish.


Now, don't get me wrong, he is a nice enough kid. Just the differences since I was his age are very apparent, and makes me feel really old, but I'm only 17 lol. Also it's not nice to grab.




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I feel like the instant I turned twelve is the instant every single person began swearing like a sailor.


I don't like this turn of events.

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I am almost 25. Kids were swearing up a storm as early as 4th and 5th grades as I recall. It became really pronounced in middle school. This is nothing new.

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I feel like the instant I turned twelve is the instant every single person began swearing like a sailor.


I don't like this turn of events.


Ditto here.

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