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This Day



I've decided that This Day Aria is my favorite song from A Canterlot Wedding. Its juxtaposition of Cadance singing about her love for Shining Armor with Chrysalis singing about her callous indifference and plot to use him is amazing.


Also, it's (at least partially) a villain song, and those tend to be awesome.




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My third favorite season 2 song.


Also, there's an musical inside joke hidden in the song.

I believe it's the part where Chrysalis starts the "No I do not love the groom..." part. The musical movement there is called a "Deceptive Cadence" :P



You're thinking of the ending to B.B.B.F.F. The chord progression goes from V to vi when Twilight sings "forever" the second-to-last time, which is a Deceptive Cadence. Then, she sings "forever" a second time, she does a little cadenza with the last syllable which so happens to have the same note progression as the opening theme.


I love music nerdom. :D





I like how there were similarities in the lyrics between the two singing parts. Fantastic song, and I especially love the part highlighted by Eeko above. It just sounded so evil, for lack of a better word.


Also, am I the only one who got a Little Mermaid vibe during the song? I was reminded so much of Ursula and I have no idea why. Oh yeah. They were both impostors at weddings. I guess that would do it.

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Also, am I the only one who got a Little Mermaid vibe during the song? I was reminded so much of Ursula and I have no idea why. Oh yeah. They were both impostors at weddings. I guess that would do it.


That's what it automatically reminded me of. XD Only, instead of it just being Vanessa (aka ursula) singing, we also got the true bride-to-be as well. That's what made This Day Aria so good in my book.


You know, Cadence's character was actually pulled off pretty well. I think the finale should've been a full-length movie in order to do the story proper justice myself (MLP FiM movie. It needs to happen one of these days XD). She's by all means likable, and the way she interacted with Shining Armor really showed their relationship well.



You know, Cadence's character was actually pulled off pretty well. I think the finale should've been a full-length movie in order to do the story proper justice myself (MLP FiM movie. It needs to happen one of these days XD). She's by all means likable, and the way she interacted with Shining Armor really showed their relationship well.

I love when a show, book, etc. can portray a relationship for a short amount of time yet still capture the full essence of it (a kind of spinoff of show, don't tell).


Also, I love how the music is significantly more aggressive and (I think) minor when Chrysalis sings about the groom, whereas when Cadance sings about Shining Armor the key is major and the chords are happy.


Another observation: Chrysalis' lines are sung in mischievous chest voice, while Cadance's lines are sung in airy head voice, which is typical in villain/hero songs.


Man, do I love music.



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