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Various Random...things!

Pahrak Model ZX


I somehow managed to find time to update the Spirit Index! Goes to 1470, includes Hero Factory summer sets, HERO Model 2012, and Kyurem.

Oh...I guess I do need to put the link to Kako on Exo's Desk, huh...

And related to Bioni-Lords, I've been doing some thinking about VRHS, and I realized I hadn't given any thought to how to handle tracking Gemini Spirits. I mean, there are only three of them...four, if you count Kaxium V3...so I'm not sure I could justify making a separate Tracker attachment for them. And then once you find them, there's battling them two on one...of course, since they're not in Fusion they would be weaker...hm. Since there are so few, I may just leave it alone.


So for a few days I've been playing Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention. It's pretty fun, but I think Disgaea 2 remains my favorite so far...but I'll be continuing my habit of turning Disgaea main characters into Spirits and make one based on Mao soon-ish.

Also decided to pick up that Xenoblade Chronicles game everyone's been talking about. Haven't played much of it yet, but it seems okay. Although something about the characters' faces bothers me...

I restate that this is a great year to be an American fan of JRPGs, for reasons stating previously plus The Last Story. And since Pokemon Conquest is the next big game we'll be getting, my next display name will probably be Pahrak: Pokemon Bushou.


By the way, since I'm running out of ideas on what to post, starting next week I'm going to move my weekly blog posts to Saturday. That way, if nothing else, I can talk about Legend of Korra. :P

My thoughts on last week's episode, may contain spoilers and nuts:

-Thank God I don't live in close proximity to any hardcore Makorra fans. You know, those people who freak the heck out anytime Mako and Korra are just in the same scene? They must have been real...excited about last week's episoe.

-So Amon CAN Energybend! And Tenzin stated that he shouldn't be able to, which means that, rather than a blunt retcon, there's a real reason as to why Amon can Energybend! Also good to know that the reason he wears his mask is because he was burned. That sounds mean, but I only say it because now maybe everyone will stop theorizing that Amon is some character we already know or know of that is secretly villainous.

-Also...wondering why Mako and Amon were given similar backgrounds. Curious as to how this will be significant.

-And apparently any Firebender can use lightning now. What the heck.

-In related news, I just recently found out that Zuko is still alive during Legend of Korra. As such, he has to make at least one appearance, right?

-One last thing: Bolin's false mustache. That is all.


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Wow, I'm surprised to see my prediction at the beginning of the series was actually right. Since Amon has a power that technically should be Korra's, and Korra has shown a complete lack of skill with spirits, I wonder if this means that he stole it from her somehow. Either that or the lion-tortoise thing has turned evil or something. 0_0


Also, I have to agree that shipping is really annoying and disruptive. It's pretty much the downside of all fandoms. <_<

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I'm not sure that Amon can Energybend, because if you look at the last episode and the season finale of the first series there is no glowing coming from Amon and Lightning Bolt Zolt, whereas there were beams of light emanating from Aang and Ozai. However, Amon did touch Lightning Bolt Zolt on the forehead like Aang did to Ozai, so maybe once you master Energybending you can do it without all of the glowing (like how the Avatar's eyes only glow for a second after s/he's mastered the Avatar State, but prior to that they glow for the whole time that they're in it).


Also, since Toph taught people to Metalbend, it wouldn't surprise me if Zuko learned to bend lightning from Iroh and then taught it to other people.

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Amon did say he was given his ability by the spirits...and I suppose the spirits might react harshly to all this industrialization and whatnot. We'll probably find out more during the spirit world journey we all know is coming.

I did notice that Amon seems to use Energybending differently, but when the lion turtle used Energybending to pass the knowledge on to Aang, we only saw small flashes of green from its claws. It's possible that Energybending looks different depending on who's using it.

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