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Kid Icarus Tournament Sign-Up

Blessed Blade


Let's use this as the tournament's registration place and such; if you wish to join the tournament, just put a comment here.


Here's the deal. There will be two tournaments, both taking place at an undetermined time, but the Light versus Dark tournament happening to kick off the events.


I'm hoping for the LvD tournament to start next weekend or so, but it all depends on the schedules of who joins and such. In addition, for the LvD tournament, you will be assigned a certain team, Light, or Dark. If we have more than six players, there could be two brackets, with the winning team of one bracket going on to face the winning team of the opposite bracket.


If you guys have any questions, feel free to post them in the entry. =)


LvD Tournament:


Bracket 1:


1. Blade

2. Vorex

3. Pyrrhon

4. Ddude

5. Terminus

6. Blank0000


Bracket 2:

7. PowerMiner

8. Sithblade7

9. Alku/Hades

10. Kinali

11. Kohaku

12. Thanatos the Hamazing


Wildcard: JiMing


*Accepting two other members until Tournament starts*


FFA Tournament:


1. Blade

2. Vorex

3. Pyrrhon

4. Ddude

5. Alku/Hades

6. Kohaku

7. PowerMiner

8. Terminus

9. Sithblade7

10. Blank0000

11. Thanatos the Hamazing

12. JiMing

*Entry closed due to having 12 members


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Alright, added you to the tournament. With luck, we can get two more members for the LVD tournament by the weekend, and begin to figure out the schedule. =)


The Free For All tournament, I'm not as worried about, as we can work it with just 5 players per fight. =)

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Alright, added you to Bracket 2, moved Kohaku to bracket 2, and moved Blank to Bracket 1. I think the request can work, considering there's another pair in the bracket who wishes to be in the same team/bracket.


Now we only need one more person. =D

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Well, no big deal if not; we'll just have to try for next weekend for the start, or try to figure out when to have the fights, if we must have them during the week. *Nods*

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Is this still going on?


If so, I want to sign up for both, even though I'll probably be owned over and over. :P

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Nice job, now we have 13 members for the LVD tourney. xD


I honestly have no clue how to handle the Wildcard, but you're in anyway.


With 12 members for Free For All, and 12 for the LVD tourney, I think I can lock entry for the FFA tourney, and we'll see if two others want to join the LVD tourney, so we can have a league of sorts =)

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Well, whenever I play online multiplayer, I just play with a bunch of random people.


So I have to know your friend code to play? Because I really want to join.

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Yes, since there's no way to guarantee random matches; however, we'll work on that once the tourney actually starts.


One good thing, is that we could just have one person form the group, and do a 'allow Player's friends to join' room form, if anyone doesn't want to add many others. But, that could allow other friends on your FL to join as well, so it's not quite as accurate. =)

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I added you, my code is 2105-8982-4336.


So what's the Wildcard? Because from the sounds of it, it's not good. :P


And can we get a specific date and time? Preferably on a weekend, by the way.

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1. Alright, I'll add you tomorrow. =)


2. I'm not sure how it'll work yet. xD


3. The tourney's will likely start sometime soon, but I need to make a new entry about it tomorrow.

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