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Pahrak Model ZX


New Pokemon news, woo! But, I'll save that for later...

This post is mainly for keeping you guys updated on VRHS...and then, of course, Legend of Korra thoughts.



-I decided to modify the player vs player regulations as requested.

-Players of the same version still have to use the Olmak Breach to interact with each other. This was mainly to save time, since PvP could take quite a while, but if you have a ghost taking care of it while you go make progress on your own...might help.

-Added a bit on status ailments. Since getting a 1, 2, or 3 means an attack will hit, landing on a 1 will inflict the status ailment associated with the attack's element. So, if you use Fireball Spit and the die roll lands on 1, you'll burn the opponent.

-There will be a handful of Spirits that you can't simply track--you'll need to get an earlier form of them and upgrade. There will probably only be a few of these, I'll go through the list and pick them out soon.

-I've more or less decided on when new items will be available at the Healing Shop. As for the Orb Center, right now I'm thinking Spirits that can be bought cannot exceed Spirit Tracker level, you can buy any Spirit associated with Element of current city within restrictions, and you can order any Spirit of any other Element within restrictions. HOWEVER, you cannot buy/order upgraded spirits--only the most basic ones. Would this be okay, or should I restrict it further?

-Mentioned that when you're fighting random, non-tracked spirits, you may find some that exceed your Spirit Tracker's FE restrictions. A little incentive for pushing your luck.

-Current main side-quest idea is that each time you get an Elemental Code, you can go looking for an Elemental Overcharge, which will let you track ONE Spirit of the associated Element that has up to 200 FE. Of course, once you can track 200 FE Spirits, you won't be able to do this.

-Hm, side-quests...I want them involve more than just battles, but I can't think of much else to do. Right now my best ideas are trivia questions and math problems...any other ideas?

-Side quests for Les Quatre Freres de Lame were suggested earlier. What I'm thinking is that I'll put these side-quests in VioletRose, and then HonoredSoul players can go on quests for the King Bohrok. I know, it seems unequal, but there would be three Language quests--finding a normal Language, finding a specail item, and then finding someone who can use that item to turn your Language into a Language Supreme. Also, Exo-Tahnok Kal Tyrant has an overpowered effect in the story, so the HS Tyrant would have an altered effect.


Korra thoughts, may contain spoilers and milk products, but not spoiled milk products:

-Corruption! D: Those piraka Wolf Bats, paying off the referees...I'm not sorry they lost their bending. Not one bit.

-"Now anyone can hold the power of a chi-blocker in the palm of their hand." And if you act now, we'll throw in a free collectible hat! All for $19.95--just $19.95! Don't forget to ask about free shipping! (...Amon's choice of words made him sound like a salesman...)

-More flashbacks, huh? Full episode flashback to Aang and company's time in Republic City is imminent. Also, I'm dissappointed that Sokka didn't grow a real beard like the one he used in the Fire book. :P

-Cosplayers in pro-bending stands=amazingly affectionate nod to otaku. Thank you. *Cries manly tears of happiness.*

-Cool, we get to see Lin in action! And she's basically Spider-Man! :o

-Why no preview for next week? D:

-So...just how many episodes are going to end with Tenzin saying something ominous? Seems to be a developing trend.

-...We're already half-way through the Air book...is this what they call "bittersweet"?


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Sounds cool.

Good idea.






Hmm. Those quests had better be pretty tricky, maybe you could make a rule so that you can only have one Frere/King Bohrok to keep people from stocking up on super-powerful spirits.

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It wouldn't be any super-complicated math :P

The rule I would go with would probably be that you can only use one Frere/King in one battle. I'm fine letting players obtain all of them, but you're right, I shouldn't let them use all of them in one battle.

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Good idea on not letting people use multiple Kings or Freres. Ideally, this problem could be solved by using a tier system to balance matches, but that would require an extensive metagame and usage statistics to make it even remotely reliable. The FE cap should do essentially the same thing, barring overuse of frail super-offensive spirits or certain parasite chains.

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