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Bzpcraft #4: Rules



And without further ado, I GIVE YOU THE RULE LIST!



  1. There is a Setup Time: I.E. No killing is allowed before this allotted time has expired.
  2. Setup Time is from Sunrise(Day 1) to Sunrise(Day 2)
  3. 2 Person teams/alliances are allowed, though if it comes down to just them in the end, one must die.
  4. Any deaths occurring before this time is up, shall not count. It is advised you get a bed made so you don't have to wander around to find your place should you die before this.
  5. Any killing before this time is up, will render the attacker disqualified.
  6. You are not allowed to leave the confines of the glass wall whatsoever.
  7. Once you die, you're out. No If's, and's, or but's.
  8. No X-Ray Texture Packs or any unfair Modification. Optifine however, I will allow due to its Minecraft performance enhancing options.
  9. Nether Portals are allowed, though only one per person.
  10. Any means of advanced healing(Potions, Golden Apples etc.) are allowed.
  11. The prize is bragging rights as the head honcho victor of this round of BZPcraft!


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Are we allowed to team up with another person if we so desire, or trade(not that trading would ever happen :P)?


Can we disassemble the portal and take it somewhere else? Or make another one in the Nether?


Is there going to be any system like there was in the Survival Games where dead players can fly around and watch the others?


Is Optfine custom Extreme render distance (512 blocks!) allowed?




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Yes, 2 man teams are allowed, but in the end one must die.


Yes you may move the portal. No you may not make another in the nether, as it would land outside of the glass border.


Not too sure on that, though LaughinMan will be flying around making tombstones at death locations.


If you're PC can handle it, I dont care. XD

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Is there any limit to how far you can go in the Nether?


Are TNT/lava allowed?


If my game freezes and I get killed during the freeze, is it still a kill?


Is trading allowed?


Will there be any chests/ruins/etc.?


Are duplication bugs allowed(probably not but I thought I'd ask anyway)?


Do we get removed from the server as soon as we're dead, or can we look around at the aftermath once it's all over?




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No, so long as you dont leave it via a new portal.




This is as much about fighting the Mobs/Players as fighting the game itself, so yes.


Nah, I'd rather keep away from that.


No, Unless the stronghold(s), and/or any Mineshafts spawned naturally. Its a random landscape.


NO, Not at all.


You don't HAVE to, but I want at least one person to leave once they die so LaughinMan can come on and help officiate.

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