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Current Happenings In The Life Of A Blockhead

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. Today's entry is going to be life entry. So if you don't like those, then simply just tune this one out. Apologizes to those that do chose to stay and read this as it will no doubt be quite a boring entry for you to read.


With that said, let us begin. My first life topic is going to be school and how once again I maybe getting screw out another class, I need to graduate on time. Why do I say this? Because the class, I took last semester that end up getting an extension due the death of my instructor's brother last December, still lacks a grade and apparently if my instructor does not get it in by tomorrow, I will have to not only retake the course; but take an F as my course grade (Which is going to hurt my 3.75 GPA.). Plus, that course is not even available next semester, so I will have to take an extra extra semester.


I want to...RAGE!!! Seriously this should of been resolve months ago and instead the instructor has kept pulling me off by telling stuff like, "I am waiting for some other people to submit work first before I file the paper work." I been understanding, patience, and kind about this, but this has really just reach the point where I am about ready to flip out, especially considering it means that I have waste money last fall semester taking the class and it is going to harm my GPA. I mean seriously if this is not resolve tomorrow, I am taking off from work Wednesday and going into the school to personal complain about this problem.


Oh, and speaking of Wednesday, I quite nervous about attending that award ceremony and I really wish I didn't have to. I don't want my photo in the paper, I don't want the attention, and I especially don't deserve that award. I mean seriously I am not that good of a student or person in general, so I don't see why I should be honor in any award ceremony. Not only that, but there are so many people in this world far more deserving than me for this honor and yet some instructor at my school end up suggesting me. Why?


Alright, moving on from that, I guess I could talk about work for a bit. Although there is really not much to say beside that we have been quite busy this month, so things are looking good business-wise. I mostly just been doing quote stuff lately, but I should be getting back into groove of releasing books to shop soon. Hm...What else should I mention? Oh, yeah, I remember now. I want to tell you guys that weirdest thing happen today, while I was on the shop floor.


One of my bosses, for some reason (Probably trolling me), hug me. Yeah, weird, right? I kind of thought I imagine it, but it actually did happen and I have no idea why he did, especially considering he tends to be one of the bosses here that yell a lot at people. No, actually I am still not sure if it was real or not. I might of been hallucinating and here's hoping that was it.


Hm...That's all life news I got at the moment. Like I said above, I doubt any of this stuff really interest you, but sometimes I just feel like venting a little. I hope you understand.


Oh, and before I go, I should mention here that I will have Pokemon Black entry up later in the week, so if you like my Pokemon rambling stay tune into this blog for that. Until then, thanks for reading my blog and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."


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Dang, man... I hope that college situation gets sorted out fast. You did nothing to deserve it; you're paying good money for those classes.


As for the award ceremony, don't think so lowly of yourself! If an instructor singled you out for an award, I'm sure you deserve it. Feel proud! Congratulations. =)


Y'know, if my boss were to at some point hug me, I think it would be understandable. I work for my dad. =P



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Unfortunately it looks like I am going to get screw here since the grade is still not in...And well, considering I don't even know he will be in tomorrow, I can't really rationalize taking off work to go to my school since I could be sitting there for hours doing nothing but waiting. :( So my classmates and I are doom...


As for the award thing, I personally think that a slacker like me should not be reward, so I think I am justified in not being proud of this. Beside that, I am not a fan of attending events like these since I feel like they are waste of time and I don't really like being the center of attention of anything.


lol I see. Well, my boss is not related to me, so it is quite different situation. Like I said, I think he was trolling me since I think I had a nervous expression on my face when I passing him in the shop at the time.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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