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The Bzpower League Of Authors: Reborn



...Is back. Nuile and I realize that we have neglected this, and we also realized several problems there were with this writers' club. But we are ready to devote our time once again to this in order to hopefully stimulate writing on BZP, whether it be fanfiction or not. As such, we have decided to start smaller -- we realized that we expanded far too quickly, and as such for the moment the League of Authors shall consist of only bi-weekly challenges and a Review Pass.


With this new change comes a new name: The League of Authors is now the BZPower Authors' Guild. With the smaller set-up, a new name was needed that conveyed that -- "League" denotes something much, much larger. We do hope to expand in the future, but for now, we hope that this format will help our fellow writers on BZPower.


What is the League of Authors? you might ask. For those that don't know, the LoA is a creation of Nuile that is, in some ways, the successor to the writers' clubs before it (honorable mention to Lazzy the Spazzy for, in my opinion, having the most successful writers' club with his "Story Fit" which was a great inspiration to the formation of this club). All the LoA -- now BAG -- is, is a writers' club for the members of BZPower; to get writers writing more, to inspire writers, and to help writers become even better than they already are, because let's face it: everyone can improve.


Want to join? Post in the main entry stating your desire to join, and you'll be added to the list! Simple as that. There are no restrictions here: we welcome everyone and anyone who wants inspiration to write more and/or become a better writer.


And so, it is with great joy that I say: Welcome to the incarnation of the LoA: The BZPower Authors' Guild. Nuile and I will remain dedicated to this, and we hope you will as well. After all, in the great words of an anonymous writer:




"A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write."


That is what this club is for.


~ Velox


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Everything I have to say has already been said by you, and by myself in the other entries. But here's to a long run, to growth and expansion, to all my fellow authors, to improvement for us all; here's to writing!


From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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I would love to join this. :biggrin:








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*flipping out because protocol gah what*



[10:23:45 PM] Andrew P: YES

[10:23:46 PM] Andrew P: YESSS

[10:23:48 PM] Andrew P: GUYSS

[10:23:50 PM] Andrew P: TOLKIEN JOINED


[10:25:11 PM] Kakaru: grah no Andrew

[10:25:17 PM] Kakaru: HE DID NOT SIGN UP


[10:25:25 PM] Kakaru: AGAIN

[10:25:30 PM] Andrew P: XD

[10:25:39 PM] John 55555: OH THE BUREAUCRACY

[10:25:39 PM] Kakaru: TELL HIM SO

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XD ahahaha Micah you are crazy. And yes, very overly dramatic. =P


But yeah, I don't really care, as long as it's one of these two entries, haha. I'm glad you have you, Despair and Tolkien! (oh and Micah too, I guess =P)

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No, the River of Fire is the first trial, finding the main entry is like the second or third.


(It's below this entry on his main blog page. I'm sure he knows that you want to join but I'm just messing with you guys. : D )

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Haha... I predicted an answer like that, so I didn't specify which trial it was. Although I find it kinda scary that you guys are bringing rivers of fire into this trial business at the very first stage...


Thanks Velox. I guess I just assumed it would be in the forums and totally skipped over the blogs. XD

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Okay, it sounded less coherent when i said it verbally.


But yes, it is awesome to hear it's returning.


Also, sign me up please.


Anyways, any way I could help out?

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Velox, your odd friend which seems to be called Kakaru is trying to scare away potential members. D: Of course, oddness is something I admire--normality is vastly overrated. But this is frightening even me. XD


Seriously though, I'm glad to see so many people coming on board! And it's great to see so many old faces.


Anyways, any way I could help out?


I appreciate the offer. Right now we're keeping things simple--just the review pass and challenges every fortnight. However, when in future we decide to expand, I'll remember you. The time will come when help will be gratefully accepted. :P


From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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Velox, your odd friend which seems to be called Kakaru is trying to scare away potential members. D: Of course, oddness is something I admire--normality is vastly overrated. But this is frightening even me. XD

He hired me to scare away anyone who can't take it. I'm like a ghost admin of this group, working behind the scenes in a terribly obvious manner.


Here's a carp.


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Ahaha, don't worry Nuile, you get used to it.


Maybe. =P


He is a good writer, though, behind all that craziness haha.

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He hired me to scare away anyone who can't take it. I'm like a ghost admin of this group, working behind the scenes in a terribly obvious manner.


Here's a carp.



Now loach here, you roughy, and make sure you're herring me. That's not a nace way to treat potential members! I'm not going to put up with any mora this hake you've been giving me. The moment you swam in here and I got a good whiff of you I smelt a sprat, and what a tench it was! You need to be put in your plaice--knocked off your perch! Eel not be standing for any impudence, from sir or madtom. And in all my born dace, I've never seen such impudence! If you step out of line one zingel more time--well, you betta watch your back.


But I've seen this albacore. I trout if you really mean any harm. You cod garpike to where you came from should you prefer to do so, but that's not what I want. Walu stay and keep whiting?



. . . Yeah, I guess I overdid that. But I had to do it for the halibut.


From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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