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Graduation: Awards Ceremony

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: It was on the Wednesday of May 16, and I apologize in advance for what I am about to say. Normally I am calm and collected in my writings, as if I have everything all together. A person like me, with such a clear vision of the world, shouldn't be so blind when it comes to himself, and yet this is a fine example of how my reasonable and my emotional realities don't align.


All my friends won numerous awards. Pretty much everyone got mentioned. Tons of scholarships were given out, and there were tons of other honors. Overall, a ton of people got a lot of love.


Once upon a time, I used to get called up every once and a while during those ceremonies, too. Of course, nowhere near as much as my friends, who always outranked me in their impressive accomplishments. This year, there wasn't any competition between us. Literally, my friends each were recognized for their outstanding academics, character, skill, and so forth. I got nothing.


I was mentioned exactly once during the ceremony because I had participated in speech, but that was immediately before the speech teacher gave a speech about how the local Mary Sue made it to all-state twice in the same year and couldn't stop talking about how great she was.


Moving on, what really hurt me the most was that so many people were applauded for their hard work, citizenship, selflessness, dedication, role-modeling, leadership, service, and good character. I'm happy for them, and I'm proud for the strong moral standing of my community. However, more and more I came to doubt my own character.


I belong to a circle of friends where pretty much everyone's a servant leader. They're great people and they amaze me, and I thought that by having them as friends I'd become more like them, only over time I've become more and more frustrated with how I can't live up to my values, and I feel weak. They can do extraordinary things, and they have outstanding work ethic. They're such amazing role models that they're lights on a hill, and their lights are very plainly seen, as can be inferred from the results of the awards ceremony.


Then there's me. Of course, I don't need any awards to tell me that I'm good at what I do. But I struggle. Afterwords, people tell me that of course I'm special, and though I agree with them intellectually, my emotions tell me that they're just telling me that because it's the nice thing to say. The problem is that I know that I'm not living up to my fullest potential and that I could easily have played a strong enough hand this year that at the end I would have been showered with official acknowledgments, too, not just lip service. The indisputable fact is that I want the plaques and I want to be the best. I want evidence that I'm ready for success, that I'm strong, that I can go the distance. I want to know that I'm living, not just getting by.


Then the ceremony took a break and got back together for the climactic NHS induction. That was a ceremony for people who everyone thought had a higher calling. Which, obviously, I don't fit into because I've never been a leader, having always been slightly awkward. I left and didn't bother watching, because it always hurt. Up until then, all my anger was directed toward myself, but the last time I watched friends walking around in robes I felt a hatred toward them that shouldn't have been there. I didn't want to feel that.


I found a private space in a room, and a special ed. teacher told me I was being immature. I knew that, but I just didn't want images echoing through my head that would continue to hurt me for a couple more years yet.


It was at that point where my self-doubt turned into self-loathing. "I hate many people, but absolutely no one more than myself."


"Is that how a Christian should feel?" he asked me, since he knows how high I hold my faith.


"No." It makes me hate myself even more.


Perhaps I need a counselor. At least I know that I have a personality flaw: I'm an achievement-oriented person who doesn't achieve anything. I hope that later in life I'll at least get done with the things that I want done, and I can feel better about myself.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh


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No. You don't need a counselor - there's nothing wrong with you. It's human nature to envy others. To hate them...even if that hate shouldn't be there, it is normal because you are jealous you aren't in as high a place as they are. So what? You don't need to be like them - make something of yourself that isn't like them, for that would be special.


Trust me, you don't need a counselor. What you have is a simple inferiority complex. You feel lower than your friends - I've felt the same way with my siblings, because I feel they've achieved higher things than me, that they're better because one of them is writing a novel and the other one is special because he plays guitar better than I ever have.


What I thought was, so what? I'm better at some things they can't do. And I'm certain there are things you've done that can match up to your friends achievements. For instance, you seem like you're a skilled writer - be proud of it.


Like I commented in your last entry, don't sell yourself short. You'll accomplish things in life that are better than them. What's important is that you're happy with what you do, and you're proud of your accomplishments. And even if you aren't, push yourself to a point you are happy. Reach for higher goals if you want to.


Just don't give up so easily on trying to accomplish goals in life - if you set your mind to it, you can do anything. Remember that. :)

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I considered posting this comment, then thought that there's no point as it's pretty worthless. Then I thought that, were it my blog, I might be pleased to see a comment like this. So:


I've read through your most recent batch of entries, and have been nipping in and out of here from time to time. Just wanted to say that I admire how much thought and effort you put into your own character, and how you are confident enough to make candid entries.

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First, there is no need to apologize: you sounded quite lucid and rational in your entry.


Secondly, I can understand how you felt, mostly through personal experience coupled with some imagining. It is not abnormal to feel like how you felt, nor is it completely irrational. Rather, it has basis in rationality (your anger at what you perceive as your failings) but is applied the wrong way, by seeking outlit through hatred, which is itself irrational.


Now, I am not a councilor, nor am I skilled in such line; I apologize if what I say is sappy, illogical or the like.


I would not call your behavior immature, and yet I would as well. It is in some ways immature, but in others it is not. A perfectly mature person can experience such feeling. Why? Because all of mankind has a wish to succeed, and have their success acknowledged. When we feel that we have not succeeded, or even if we have, and acknowledgement is not given, we feel dissatisfied, and often angry, both at ourselves an at others. Now, this is normally an emotion conflict and not so much an intellectual conflict, although in cases it can be both. It is logical that it would be worse when first experienced, and at times when it is brought to full attention.


I have read many of your blog entries, and seen you from time to time. I do not think you're immature, nor noobish. Your posts seem quite mature and lucid, as does your overall character. Like Peach said, I would not sell yourself short: self depreciation is like a disease, and like all such things, it grows if allowed. At first it has little or no power, just a nagging doubt. Here it is at its weakest, and can be destroyed. But if you allow it a foothold, it grows larger and larger, and is harder to dismiss.

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