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Every Time You Use An Emoticon...



...A little portion of your soul is condemned to a horrific oblivion consisting of nothing but William Hung covers of Madonna songs and Kelly Clarkson... Seriously, emoticons are disgusting. There's this thing called 'language', and people with a grip on the concept of grammar are prone to using it to express themselves. Use words to convey your feelings, not severed yellow orbs with facial features. Great poets like William Shakespeare have made use of language beautifully, and then here comes sentences filled to the brim with these little nightmares, hardly comprehensible. And yes, I disabled emoticons for this post to avoid succumbing to the travesty of smilies. People shouldn't use emoticons unless it's aiding a point they've already made, not making it for them. They're abused horribly and serve no purpose other than to give people an excuse for being bad writers. Just take a look at some of the posts using smilies around here. Not all emoticon usage is bad- a sentence like 'Or we could throw them overboard. :P' is used to reinforce the concept of humor. But other uses are bad... Why can't there be legible sentences that don't abuse smilies like... Hmm, I can't come up with a usable analogy... DANG! Anyways, emoticons=tiny bits of dead soul.


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You'd seriously need to give an example man. If you mean emoticon spam, then you're slamming the hammer to the proverbial nail... But in general, on the 'net emoticons are important because nobody can hear voices so it's often ambiguous how a post is intended. If you find them annoying, then I must ask, in real life, do you talk like a robot and never smile or make any facial expression?


And instead of using the *shrugs* emote I would normally use up there to communicate what I mean, I will add this note to make it clear that I am not being sarcastic--or condescending in any way. And... well, I hope you can see the mistake you're making--look how much more text I had to include to make that clear. Brevity is the soul of wit--if that means using emotes for more than just the kind of example you gave, so be it.

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GMan doesn't make mistakes, Bones. Never has, never will. Despite the fact that I have used them, I agree. I will no longer use those accursed emoticons. I shall write down my facial expressions!!! Grimace!

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I can't help but get the impression that excessive use of emoticons makes one seem un-educated.........But that's just me...........

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