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Summer: Week 1



Already I'm nearly through my first week of summer research. That's kinda weird.


What I've gained from this experience thus far: aligning a laser beam so that it hits a fiber optic cord that's ~1-2 microns in diameter is tedious, painful, and annoying. However, magneto-optical traps and ultracold plasmas are awesome. I am learning a lot about optics and atomic physics despite it only being week one, and I'm sure this lab will be fun. :)


This weekend I hope to work on my Whirling Time Warper review (I have the pics, I just have to type and format everything) and maybe even make a new comic! :o Hurray for no homework and more free time!




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I'm pretty sure I should be able to understand the 2nd part of what you just typed but I honestly have no clue. Although it seems like you were talking about laser pointers in which case I propose you use your talent with lasers for good and use the laser pointers on cats to chase.


A new comic? Huzzah! I shall scream it to the world from some place very high! Hurray (I still have homework though...) :(



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Dude, that sounds awesome.

Where are you working? Cause that sounds like exactly what I want to do.

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I'm pretty sure I should be able to understand the 2nd part of what you just typed but I honestly have no clue. Although it seems like you were talking about laser pointers in which case I propose you use your talent with lasers for good and use the laser pointers on cats to chase.


A new comic? Huzzah! I shall scream it to the world from some place very high! Hurray (I still have homework though...) :(





Pretty much this. XD

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Soran: While I do agree that that is an excellent use of laser pointers, the lasers I'm working with are in the near-infrared, just barely within the visible range of wavelengths the human eye can see, so they wouldn't be useful for feline entertainment.


Eeko: Perhaps I'll shoot you a PM. I'm not big on talking about my private life on the interwebs. :psychotwitch:


Tekulo: Oh, have no fear, I'm sure the next time I see you I'll be talking your ear off about it. :P



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