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Root Canal



So my tooth's been bothering me for a few days and I got it looked at about an hour ago. I guess it looks like there's a little pocket of infection behind it, but the tooth itself looks completely fine. So I'm on antibiotics for now, yet it was kind of stressed that it's completely possible I'll have to go back for a root canal.


Didn't really know how to respond at being told that.


Now I know I'm not looking forward to it at all.




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Same thing happened to me a few years ago. Still have no idea what happened; my tooth started to hurt really bad, I went to the dentist the next day, and they sent me to get a root canal the day after. It's an extremely unpleasant experience, none the least of which is because I have a ridiculously high drug tolerance (from other assorted dental surgeries).


It's kind of a cool battle story, I guess? I dunno. Bad things happen to good people.


I amused myself by buying a DS and Platinum, and playing my first Pokemon game in half a decade while on the pain meds they give you. That was fun.


(don't do drugs, kids. Unless your doctor tells you to)

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:kaukau: I hate it when I find out stuff like that. It's like losing little bits of m. I don't like that. I'm entirely sympathetic, and it really sucks that all I can do is tell you that.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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Thanks guys. :/


Good news is the pain finally started going down yesterday and I've still got a few days of antibiotics. And while those can't treat the infection problems of a root canal, if the pain doesn't come back, then it was a false alarm and everything's good. I sure hope it doesn't come bakc...

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