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Cascade Day 1



Day 0: I picked up Swert and the Island.


Day 1: Kakaru and his brother Russell arrived in the morning. Some goofing off took place, so we didn't get to the convention super early, but we were the first Bionicle group there. Got the Mata Nui Island model set up. It's not perfect; besides the flaws I've already pointed out (one word: porportions) but Steven also wasn't able to bring down all the plant elements, so the forest isn't as wide-spread as it was last time. :( But we have masks for the Quarry (kinda) and the Kaukau waterfall added, not to mention the volcanoes interior. Plus, the island is on it's own set of tables in the center of the hall so everybody can walk around it and see it...it's pretty cool. We've already got a few good comments on it, so that's nice. (See, the AFOLs aren't big Bionicle fans and aren't as nit-picky about all the details... but see I am, and although I can't change it now, I am making plans for a revision in the future)


When we left, the hall seemed sadly empty... hopefully a ton of stuff will show up tomorrow. We have a ton of room at the Bionicle table... enough that I was able to spread out all my Thirty-Six Mask Rahi, Toa, and Matoran. It looks epic, and while they're not the best MOCs ever, I hope a few of the Rahi are in the running for a throphy. (But I've also seen some of the stuff people sent in, so I might not make it.)


Hopefully more cool stuff and more cool people will show up tomorrow. Also, Lego Store visit!




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